iShit convert no more….

one month and six days into the iPhone 2.0 era I can say that I have finally been able to shake the iShit desire and be happy with my blackberry….

What caused the change of heart? Not much but I’m going to chalk alot of it up to the blackberry being just a all around solid phone and email machine. I’ve had the blackberry for 6 months on verizon and I’ve dropped one call (and that call was in a basement where everyone else got zero bars…) truly this phone is the first one that hasn’t made me want to change phones within my normal 6 to 9 month period.

The fact that it does data just as well as it does voice is at this point just a bonus.

Now granted the iShit does have several things working against it here in Phoenix… first is the network (AT&T) which has less then stellar coverage in the region (for the record the other GSM provider T-Mobile is only moderately better) and Phoenix is a core market for Verzion (stretching back to the days of US West Cellular in the 80’s and early to mid 90’s) I’m hard pressed to go anywhere in Phoenix and not have really good coverage (actually for the record I’m hard pressed to go anywhere in the country and not have good coverage).

So why the decidedly un-iShit friendly pose all of a sudden… reports on the internet and people I know personally who have had really bad experiences with the iShit 2.0. Which is unfortunate because I truly love my Mac Book Pro and will be buying another Mac either as a home server or as a play machine in the next year or so. It’s all really kind of sad for the iShit.

But let’s all remember that that fine folks at Apple started life as a computer company and not as a celluar device company… though imagine if they had gotten in on the cell game back in the late 90’s or early 2000’s… man that would have been sweet.

Oh well.