Deja Moo…

It’s the feeling that you’ve heard this bullshit before.

And with the exception of the gratioutis nudity I’m pretty sure you have heard all of this before.

Oh wait this is a “family” blog… The gratioutius nudity is going to be covered up by bits of duck tape.

There that’s better

Go read another post…. I’ve got nothing… I just had “Deja Moo” pop into my head while I’ve been listening to Pearl Jam bootlegs…

Oh wait!  I remember what I was going to do now… more cards to the game (which is really nothing more then a creative release for me so I have no intention of having any of it make sense 🙂 )

The Intern…(experienced)(lackey)

A know it all user…  You know, the one who “already knows all that stuff about security” and “yes, I already tried all the normal troubleshooting thing, this problem is different… oh wait, your right, it isn’t plugged in” and “I should have admin privileges on my machine because I can’t get around the firewall…er.. I mean use the programs I need to without it”

+3 to all tasks/projects that require low level lackey work

-1 if any task involves using the internet in a research fashion…. since we all know that interns only use the internet for Porn and Movies.

The Intern…(newb) (lackey)

This person is a empty vessel waiting to be filled…. or crushed your choice.

+2 to all tasks/projects that require low level lackey work

-3 if any task involves using the internet in a research fashion…. since we all know that interns only use the internet for Porn and Movies.

Standard Issue Cody… (character card)

Security Guru in every sense of the word… comes with the business savvy and look to sell any project to management.  Can implement most projects on time and on budget. Open to all operating systems and vendors has natural talent to “just pick this shit up”

+5 to time manangement

+2 to security tasks

When combined with any other “Standard Issue” character all attibutes go up by one.  When combined with an experinced Intern and Standard issue all attributes go up by 5.

Security Consultant….(action card)

This guy will tell you everything you want to hear for the right price.

Use this card at any time to prove a project is secure or not (roll d6) If the project is secure all players give one card from their hand.  If the project is not secure, place all of your cards face up each player may pick one.

Character #31337 (lackey)

Claims to be a IT guru extraordinaire but always seems to be asking coworkers how to map a drive or install a printer.

Lose one point to all attributes since your always cleaning up after this character…

Upside… card can be transfered to another department with transfer card and project card.

Downside… card must be played upon getting it… if you already have a lackey they go into the discard pile.

Character #136 — The Mrs. (action card)

I’m really good at throwing wrenches at Mr.’s project deadlines. For instance, the two weeks of paternity leave he had to take. The extra days off because of illness, emergency room visits, mental breakdowns, road trips, etc. My insistence that he is working way too many hours…Who works a 40 hour week these days anyhow…Or that he work from home because I really think I have to move to another state ASAP. Or, on a smaller scale, there’s the list of tasks that I send him to work with each week — call the bank, set up the 529, decide on a date for a trip, bitch out the furniture store guy, get renter’s insurance — All things that I can’t do myself.

Play on any other player to slow them down in finishing their work (-3 to time management)