A whole new deck…

So for those who read this corner of the internet and haven’t talked to me directly in the last couple of weeks, I recently lost my long time partner in crime at work to another facility. It’s sucked not having a someone to work with directly, but at the same time it also helps to put things in perspective.

Suddenly the CT scanner not talking to PACS is not the issues it once was, now instead of it being “Top immediate priority” it’s been bumped to “I will deal with it after lunch…”. It’s all about achieving some sort of balance.

I’ve never been good at achieving balance.

One of the neat side effects of my brain being over stimulated for the better part of the day is. I come up with some of the most random things.

I now present to you the latest creation of my over stimulated brain cell…


The game… set the IT project cards out face down and select…

2 cards for a “easy game”

4 cards for a “challenging game”

8 cards for a “hard game”

The objective… to complete the projects listed on each card with in the allotted time frame for the project. Project times are stack able (i.e. in a easy game if you have one project that runs 3 months and another card that runs 9 months you have a total of 12 months to complete both projects). Each complete turn around the table is “1 month” of game time (so in the above example there are 12 complete turns around the table to complete the projects)

Project tasks are assigned from the “Task deck” after the projects have been selected. All the tasks assigned to a project need to be completed in order for a project to be considered completed. Each project has a base number of tasks assigned to it additional tasks may be assigned from the task cards themselves. Tasks are completed based on your character card (we will get to that later) abilities and cards from the actions deck.

The “Action Deck” contains all of your functions you can perform durning your turn. Each player draws 7 cards at the start of the game (additional or fewer cards can be drawn based on character card stats). When a action card it played on a task the player rolls the 10 sided dice (10d) and the task is completed based upon the 10d roll, player abilities, and completion critera on the card. Other players can play their action cards to either help or hinder you. Remember not all wolves will eat you and not all knights in shining armor are good.

The Character deck has all the characters needed for a IT project. Characters come in two varieties characters who’s objective is to complete the project (Analysts, Engineer, Project Manager) and those whose job it is to make sure things stay the way they are (Bad Engineer, End User, Bad Project Manager). There are those who do not care if a project suceeds, but can play both sides of the field. This is a any of the “Director” cards.

Next thing… come up with some character cards….