Two posts in one night… madness

So yeah… I still have this… space… I guess until I truly let it go… which since it’s been 21 years since I first started posting isn’t going to be anytime soon. Things really haven’t moved that far from the old geocities and frontpage site to this. Well there was the whole migration to GoDaddy and then to the current provider but that’s not something we talk about.

Anyway… since May of last year things have changed but haven’t?

  • I finally got a proper Mac Desktop (Mac Studio) that I’m very happy with… and have finally come to terms with the fact that I only use my Mac for office work and web browsing. So hopefully the M1-Max is supported for a good while.
  • The Mac in the closet from 2012 finally was retired has a home server in favor of a Synology NAS. It was a good move on all fronts.
  • Solar Power and batteries are awesome.
  • I’ve made some changes to the home office setup as I’m now fully “hybrid” but that’s another post.

Since it’s the new year one of the things I’ve decided to start doing is to try and post on here like it did back in the day. Once a week on just whatever…. I’ve given up on most social media. I haven’t been on facebook since the summer of 2020 (and haven’t missed it), I deleted twitter on my phone after Elon bought it, and the others I was never into except for instagram. And with IG I rarely post.

So here we are, back in circa 2002 tech… just way better processors and connections.

Still running WindowsNT though.

Older No Wiser

Weather report for April is 0% wet stuff from the sky…. so so much for it being the second snowiest month…. and so much for the skye cracking

This site has popped onto my radar as the domain associated with it has email and an office suite that are about to be charged for. I have a plan for the email portion of the backend services… I’m still on the fence with the rest of it. Since it’s really just burner email addresses I’m thinking that is all that needs to be done, but part of me says I must maintain.

That’s the funny thing about mid-life, you feel that you must maintain but it is the ideal time to start anew… you are not lacking for resources or knowledge. Just lacking for direction.

Staying by the river watching the bridge burn down.

The turning of the seasons in Colorado is still a new and wondrous thing to me. While I did “seasonal” weather in Kingman and Flagg in the 1900’s and early 2000’s it wasn’t as dramatic as it is in Colorado in terms of weather. In my mind the fall starts in September but in actuallity it starts somewhere in October… this to my desert rat mind does not compute. The days being almost 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night in september tells my brain that things are turning, but the green leaves and the mostly green grass tells another story.

I think this is a side effect of a throughly western mind that must categorize and classify everything presented to them, and it’s a bit of a disconnect. On the flip side my birthday is in early April, and it’s always pretty good weather around then in Arizona. In Colorado it’s dealer’s choice.

it’s the little things of getting used to in the second winter in Colorado, knowing that there is time. But it will still come sooner rather then later but there will be days of sunshine and days of cloudy it’s all a crapshoot.

The thing that still boggles my mind is that March is the snowiest month and April is number 2…. W. T. F. ?

Did you just read a entry about the weather… yes. yes you did. And I make no apologies.

**The hum of CHARON in the background**

What’s most interesting about having a AIO water cooler on my gaming PC? Is it gurgles on the regular…. like whatever water is in there has collected and it now “gurgles” to clear it out… it’s weird and unexpected and its done this since day 1. I don’t know if it’s an AIO thing, or just the AIO I have.

Anyway I thought I would put up a couple of updates from things over the last few months.

  1. I did buy an office chair for the standing desk… it’s quite nice and is very comfortable for sitting in for about 1.4 hours… and then I want to stand. So mission accomplished.
  2. The Unifi Dream Machine has been replaced by it’s big brother… and I have download speeds off the router of 1.3Gbps. 10Gbps networking is on the horizon film at 11ish.
  3. No workspace updates, as it turns out having an office for work and an office for “fun” works out really nicely to get you to stop thinking about how to make your office less office like.
  4. Once back to the office office full time, the “pay the bills” office will most likely be slowly migrated into some sort nerd knick knackery of some sort.
  5. I have become the thing I hate… (see bit about knick knacks, and reference any house that my family has a hand in that has been decorated by my mother)

A thing I find amusing…

So I’ve recently moved into a new house… and one truth over the years is your neighbors WiFi network names can tell you something about them….

In the case of me… I have “OpenThePodBayDoorsHal” as my main network and “GlaDoSS” as my IOT/Guest network (which I detailed in another entry on my whole vlan and home security isolation thing).

So one fo the neat things about the Ubiquiti gear is it will also scan in the background to optimize your wireless network(s) performance. I popped open said log and found this…

Well played random neighbor… well played.

cold as ice, hot as hell

I really need to not pull titles from the music I’m listening to it rarely works out well for the entry.

Anyway it’s been a minute or two since the last entry, and well I’ve moved (again) and this time I write the check to a bank and not some faceless person that I only email with. So with the move comes the new shiny, or more like a refitting of the exiting shiny and figuring out where to put those maintenance dollars.

Well the good news is outside of some very minor things there is nothing that needs dealt with right away, there are a few things I will have to deal with in the not distant future. So until I have to deal with those things, let’s talk about the other plan. I’m on the record as being a smart home person… while I should be in the realm of “no internet connected things that run the home” I’m not and I’m ok with this. I did make a couple of decision changes on smart home re-fit 2.0

  1. I’m going with a platform that supports multiple device vendors (i.e. not Nest)
  2. I’m not going to be be-holden to the one platform rule, if something works outside of that platform and works well for me I’m going to use it (i.e. Sonos)
  3. Everything. Must. Have. Manual. Controls.
  4. If I’m home and the internet goes out, shit still works (the internet going down is a bigger issue then it should be… THANKS XFINITY/COMCAST!)

So with those in mind I’ve already got a foundation in place in the form of an IoT vlan via my Ubiquiti Dream Machine. On the human interface layer I’ve moved to mostly HomeKit, I know shocker. It makes sense though, I need automation based on location (phones), I want flexibility if I decide to leave the Apple eco system (if it works with HomeKit it works with Google or Alexa typically). And HomeKit has a hub centric architecture vs a cloud centric architecture. Which takes care of point 4 very nicely. Point 3 seems to be the sticky wicket right now, but I’ll get there.

Oh also the only exception to all of this is appliances, don’t get an internet connection… there is no earthly reason why my toaster needs to be on the internet… there isn’t a better way to make toast…. toast the bread and go away.

Oh also there is a whole new workspace for the offices, but that will be another day. Maybe….

I bit down the bone… I had the taste of something sweet.

For real… for someone who takes their blog entries from the music they listen to… I find some real weird stuff from time to time, but that’s what you get when you listen to Soundgarden.

So Let’s talk about this blog’s favorite topic… HOME WORK SPACES!! In previous chapters you will notice the bit where I was definitely not working during the initial stages of Covid-19 and instead was living in my parents garage playing Borderlands3. Well everyone has to get back to real life at some point and I did in May. And one of the earliest discussions I had with my leadership was that I would be working from home (as would the whole team) come the end of July once I was trained up and some upgrades had happened. In anticipation of this and some other smaller stretches of remote working I made some purchase.

So I purchased some monitors, monitor arm, and a USB-C dock for the work laptop. And what I found very quickly was that I was not that happy with this setup.

  • First to the left (just out of frame) is my main computer for doing not work things and not gaming things.. i.e. my Mac which I do use for work things on occasion, but not on the regular.
  • This was 3 feet from the space where I played video games on my gaming PC
  • It faced a East Window upstairs so it got a ton of light in the morning.
  • The room it self is just warm because of the placement of the ventilation and getting sun 80% of the day.
  • The ergonomics suck

Needless to say I figured out pretty quick that this was not going to work for extended remote working. I started thinking about what I wanted and what my plans were for the next couple of years. I knew the following things.

  • This was a temporary setup as I plan on moving in the next year or so
  • I know that the next place I live will have a dedicated home office that is for *work* and dedicated space for “work”
  • Ergonomics need to be a consideration, and I can’t cheap out anymore

With these things in mind I started thinking about what I wanted in a home work space that was for *work* that I would be spending 8 to 10 hours a day in 5 days a week. When you start thinking about that kind of time in a space you really start to have some conversations with yourself about what you really want. At the end of the day I wanted to have a seperate space from my “fun work” and “pay the bills work” and deciced that since I’m using a couple of IKEA desks from 2005 that I think I might have spent $300 total for back then and they are still going strong. I decided to put the money in upfront and get what I had been looking at and really making it work.

I ended up purchasing a standing desk (the 48×30 Varidesk if you are curious) I basically came down to I had a couple of trusted sources that had purchased this desk and found them to be excellent for their work. I found the price to be in middle of what I was looking for in terms of the feature set, and not so large that it would take over the room. The down side is the unit is in my living room so I have to look at it on the weekends, but it’s surprisingly easy to ignore when everything is turned off. I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks now and the only thing that I’m not totally sold on is a chair. I’m using a kitchen chair right now and it gets the job done, but it’s not great for extended periods of sitting. Surprisingly I still do with a standing desk as I don’t have a mat to help with my hips yet. I’m 50/50 on buying a dedicated chair for the setup and just sucking it up.

My guess is my next entry will be about whatever office chair I ended up putting in the space.

Because again.. I think is is a home work space blog now?