Television the last best hope for big media to get digital rights, right the first time.

Television is a interesting media in our day and age. It is the one media where the end consumer has almost total control over what they watch yet at the same time lack the fundamental control that is a given with other forms of media. In our age today a person can purchase any number of different television packages that range from the very basic to everything but the kitchen sink. People if they so choose can even choose to not purchase television and just watch what is broadcast publicly. There is a fundamental problem with any of these television options you (the consumer) have no control over when you get to watch you purchased service.

Think about it, when you get your morning newspaper the ink on the page stays visible for as long as the paper lasts. The ink doesn’t disappear a couple of hours after the paper arrives. When you goto the movies there isn’t just one showing on one screen there are many showings on many screens making it all the more convenient for you the consumer to par take in the movie experience. How come with television if I miss a show and I forget to tape it I’m out of luck?

I can get all of my printed media on the Internet for free, but I still buy books and magazines. Why well sometimes I just want a very small section of what is the Internet other times it’s just nice to have a off line edition. Movies are moving to a on demand format and if you happen to like porn I’m sure that you know all the porn you could ever want from midget porn to super husky amazon porn is available on the Internet for a price. Sure it’s a huge download but you keep it for as long as you like in most cases for the same price as going to the store and getting your DVD from there.

Which brings us to television the last of the big media formats to become wildly a on the Internet. Today if you try to download a television show from the Internet you will probably not have anything happen to you. However the Television industry is out there and they are watching. Somewhere someone will get a notice saying if you don’t want to get sued you will stop downloading the shows right now.

Ok I can understand why television studios/networks are doing this they are losing money in the form of advertiser dollars every time someone downloads a show. If enough people download a show for free then that is the end of the show because there is no more money being made from it. There was a similar situation not to long ago in the music industry. At first the music industry tried to squash the downloading of songs but that didn’t work because for every one service they took down three more popped up to replace it. Finally the music industry got smart started selling music on line for a small fee. Turns out the magic price point for music is somewhere between $.88 and $.99

This led to another problem, formats of the music itself. There are at least FIVE different formats for music files and that is not including the encoding schemes and compression algorithms that may or may not require additional codecs. On top of the technical mess there was also the problem of how to integrate everything so that John Q Public could download their music pretty much trouble free and not have to worry about it.

All of the pieces of the puzzle where there but no one had put them together. Until Apple started a little thing called iTunes. A all in one program that would take care of the music store thing ,the music downloading thing, and the music playing thing. Oh and provided a nifty interface along with looking cool. And Apple gave this little program away for free. What was the catch? You couldn’t play music purchased at other stores on iTunes but once you purchased your music from iTunes it was your forever. Pretty quickly everyone moved to iTunes or was trying to be like iTunes when it came to music.

So what now of Television? The reason I bring up iTunes is because it is one of the few successful marriages of marketing and DRM out there. Would a iTunes for Television work? That is a very good question. However once again we have all of the pieces we just don’t have them put together in the right order.

First off how do you download a television show that is literally 100X the size of a music file? You can’t push it out a single big pipe any kind of user load that would be the end of your service. Instead you share the load. We already have this technology it’s called bit torrent. You have a few seeder files out there on the Internet and when someone purchases a show a bit torrent tracker file is sent to their iTunes for television automatically. The downloading begins immediately at a low priority as to not to interrupt the web connection to much. Now that the load is broken up how do you break it up even more? You have to give to receive. In the iTunes for TV program there is a optional feature that is turned off by default but when turned on it allows the shows that you have purchased and downloaded to be shared with other iTunes for TV users. Ok thats nice you say but what do I get out of it? So long as the user continues to share the television shows they have downloaded they will be entitled to something for free every week. Like one free show a week or if they build up enough credit they could download from a selection of movies that are also on iTunes for TV. I know not the cleanest but it works.

How much do you pay for your downloaded TV? The $.99 a song model seems to work pretty well for music. And something very similar would probably work for iTunes for TV as well. A typical season of television will run for 20 to 24 episodes on network television these shows are typically available 6 to 18 months after their original air date on DVD for somewhere between $29.99 and $49.99. That works out somewhere between a $1.10 and just under $2 a show. This is all gravies for the television studio since the money has already been made in merchandising and selling the series to various television networks. A $.99 model would probably work as well in the form of a loss leader. Drawing people in to maybe purchase the extended edition of the show where some sort of fore shadowing occurs that is not really important but is really more for the die hard fans. Lets crunch some numbers here, Star Trek: Enterprise costs approximately $1.6 Million a episode to make for the studio. That is everything actors salaries, food, sets, film, and whatever else goes into a show. When the Star Trek: Enterprise episode “Babel One” aired approx 2.5 million people nation wide tuned in to watch on a Friday night at 8pm. The studio and television network lost money on the episode of Star Trek. Now at $.99 The studio just made about $2.5 Million for a $1.6 Million investment. That is not including any merchandising or syndication or anything else that is just straight downloads. Paramount just made some money.

What is the last piece of the puzzle? Television it self… people will still surf television not willing to spend their hard earned dollars on shows they know nothing about but. But how do most people discover television shows? Word of mouth and surfing channels. You need television to advertise for your download service so you can make money on both fronts.

Now this is my own ramblings and thoughts on the digital media in this current day and age and quite honestly I could be full of it and I wouldn’t know. So take this with a grain of salt and remember kids starving artists need to make money too.

High Hopes… or the Division Bell…. it’s all Pink Floyd all the time!

Ya know I think my absolute favorite music is the kind of music that just fills a room with complex rythms and seems equally at home front and center as it does in the background.

A good example of this is Pink Floyd (which just happens to be qued up in iTunes right now) another example of this is TOOL… OK most of TOOL’s stuff doesn’t fall into this catagorey. But when I’m alone (as I often am) and I’m needing something loud to play it’s TOOL. Another good one is Led Zepplin. Didn’t really get into Led Zepplin until after College but I find it some times is just the thing I need to have on in the back ground when I’m doing something.

Little known secret when I’m working in LINUX I generally have Led Zepplin cranked.

Sure sign you are a geek and the people you are hanging out with are geeks.

So there I was, Phoenix Arizona at Curti’s apartment we have just finished a 6 hour game of Axis and Allies (last time it was 12 so we are doing really well this time). We get done playing and it’s still really early so we say lets play poker. Then a most odd thing happens we all look at each other and go. “Do you know how to play poker?” Quicker then you can say Quake 3 death match laptop is out and Curtis is on his computer. A quick googling of “Texas hold em rules” turns up the rules for Texas hold (gee imagine that) and one click down a description of the various types of hands you can have. SCORE!

Mind you there were 4 of us and Don used to goto Vegas on a regular basis. Of course he played the Craps tables. Oh and in true Engineer fashion Don and a roommate figured out what bets on the craps table are the best and the amount of money you should be playing with.

No I won’t tell you… You have to do the math yourself. And it’s alot of math so you had better get cracking.

Guiness Googles…

Ever look through the bottom of a empty bottle of guiness? No? You really should… it’s very intersting to see what is on the other side of bottle of guiness.

Mainly the thing that worries me is the “sprocket” in the said bottle of guiness, has that every fallen out and some one choked on it? I’m mean I’m sure it’s been tested by the fine folks who make guiness to make sure that it doesn’t come out.

Really what does the sprocket do? I know it’s supposed to give guiness that straight from the tap taste however I can’t tell a diffrence between guiness from a tap and guiness from a bottle… OK so maybe they did succeed…

Mmmm guiness in a glass… now that is truly heaven on earth. Or at least heaven in a glass.

Why not….

I’m sitting here watching tv with my laptop setup on the coffee table and I’m watching videos on launch during the commercials…

OK now if I can do this today with a crappy internet connection why can’t Curtis who has a decent internet connection que up something to watch while his shows are on commercial?

Even better yet why haven’t hit the point of on demand Television? I mean above and beyond the on demand movies you can get with “digital cable” seriously. More then a few people that I know just download their television shows they don’t even watch Tv anymore… appointment television is not where it is at.

A solid 1mb connection and you can watch a show streaming in real time.. and I know the technology is out there hell real player and apple have it… I should be able to stream a catalog of Battlestar Galactica shows to my TV from Sci-Fi to my TV when I want I shouldn’t have to wait until friday at 11 o’clock.

it’s not that hard we have the technology we have the infastructure we can do it.


You know…

You know your a bachelor when….

Hemostats aren’t just for stopping massive amounts of bleeding, they also make handy clips to close your tortilla chips with

A Guiness for dinner is perfectly acceptable

A Fat Tire for Desert is also equally acceptable

You house has a strange odor and you think nothing of it.

It’s no longer a matter of having enough computers it’s now a matter of having to many computers

Not having any mail, phone calls, email, or any type of outside communication is not unusual (ok this may just be a me thing)

Chips, Cookies, Beer, and Water are the 4 major food groups

Appointment television is for squares (ok this is really more of a geek thing then a bachelor thing)

Cleaning the house is a bi-monthly event

Cleaning the bathroom is a bi-weekly event most of the time

You talk to yourself

You have arguments with yourself

And lose

That sinking feeling….

Playing EVE tonight….

Got my ass handed to me… not so much of a fight as this other player just came up on top of me and started pounding my ship.

The only reason I’m writing about this is because it took me two weeks to get the ship set up like I wanted it… and it was blown to pieces in less then 30 seconds.

Back to the drawing board.

Death of a mentor…

In the spiritual not the physically sense of the word…

NO I’m not talking about God either.

Though if you listen to nine inch nails you may have your own thoughts as to whether or not God is dead. But I digress.

I had the task today of cleaning out Adams office at work today. It sucked rather badly for me… Not because there was a lot of stuff to go through or I just didn’t want to do it. More it felt like I was taking down the last reminds of the dept that was.

When I came to the hospital 3 and a half years ago now… Adam and Shawn were the ones who took me under their wings and tried to make me feel welcome. Granted they had known me previously but still it was the effort that counted and I was always thankful for that. I think had they not been there I wouldn’t have lasted a year at KRMC. Being fresh out of school I knew enough to be dangerous but not enough to be helpfull. Adam workd to rectify that over the course of several months teaching me things not only techinally but socially and politically that I value beyond accord today.

I thought of Adam as not only a coworker but also a friend.

When Adam left KRMC for a new job I took it particularly hard. In retrospect I probally should have seen it coming. I always figured I would leave before Adam would. I didn’t think he would leave first. Since Adam left in September I’ve talked to him a few times. But something changed and I couldn’t figure it out until today.

So while cleaning out a office filled with sales materials and half used legal pads full of notes I today realized that I should be thankful for the time I had and make the most out of my experiences from the past in the future.

Adam if you ever happen to read this… Next time I will show you how a real operating system works 🙂