2 days and I have got to get some work done

Friends theme song…

Curtis– Ghost riders in the sky; Johnny Cash

Kristina — Judith; A Perfect Circle

Matt — Refused are fucking dead; Refused

Kristi — High Hopes; Pink Floyd

Scott (lil brother) — Battle with out honor; Tomoyasu Hotei

Brandi — Holiday in Cambodia; Richard Cheese

Clint — First cool hive; Moby

Aaron — I believe in miracles; Ramones

Andrea — I believe in miracles; Pearl Jam

Shawn — They call me tater salad; Ron White

Ada — Ireland & Health; Lewis Black

in no particular order.. not represintive of the person just what seems to go through my mind when I see them or for some reason associate this particular piece of whatever with them

All files can be purchased on iTunes… just in case you are curious.

3 days…

I’m coming down with something… and it’s not good what ever it is….

This is a good lesson to you kids… don’t head bang with the window down when it’s 40 outside and the wind is blowing… espically when you are wearing a t-shirt and shorts in a moving vechile.

oh this is starting to suck

5 days and I realize that being a zonie isn’t so bad…

One of the things that I really like about myself is that I take a active intrest in news and current events… more international then local, hey at least I’m mostly up with the news. I know my friends recognize this since every now and again they will ask me for a update on some obscure thing and belive it or not I generally tend to seem to know something about it.

So I was watching TV tonight and Horizon’s had it’s yearly editoral cartoon writer show. It’s kind of neat for me since I’ve been watching horizons for about 10 years (yes I know I’m a geek but hey it’s the only show that I can semi-level headed feedback about issues effecting Arizona (though any more Arizona means Phoenix/Tucson). I’ve always like the end of the year political cartoonist show… the end of year is upon us and Steve Benson comes out of his hole… much like a certain ground hog the first tuesday in feburary.

Tonight I also realized that if your local (and when I say local I mean a native of Arizona… and I know there aren’t that many of us around). You’ve probally read Benson on more the one occasion. Benson is one of those Arizona instutions like Wallace and Ladmo… or Mighty Mud Mania. You know that kind of thing.

And all the people who come here from places other then Arizona have no clue what I’m talking about. Just know that I will always be bitter because I never got a Ladmo-Bag.

6 days and I feel old

So this weekend has been a rewind weekend on x107.5 “xtreme radio” out of vegas. The most depressing part about this weekend is 1. This is all the music I like. 2. I have most of the CD’s these songs were on orginally. 3. Nine Inch Nails now has a best of out… they have 3 freaking records how could they have a best of already? So I’ve been feeling very old all weekend.

I don’t there just seems to be something unholy about music from High School being apart of a rewind weekend. I think most of my music should in no way or shape be classfied as “rewind”. Personal thought there…

And as I sit here thinking… the last CD I bought was A Perfect Circle… everything after that has been off of iTunes. When I buy a CD there is something tangiable… when I get music off of iTunes there is nothing tangiable… just a file on my computer. I keep a back up but it’s just not the same as having the liner notes and all. With iTunes (and all online music stores) the music seems somehow more disposable then it did before… much like a bridesmaid dress…. to be loved intensily for a short period of time then filed away somewhere on a harddrive where it may or may not be played again.

Just something not quite right about it is all.

I don’t know… I still love my iPod though 🙂

And the winner is….

OK so after a alot of time of screwing around with this… I came to the decsion 30 seconds ago… that the blogspot blog thingy will now be my primary creative and or otherwise “soap box”

So if your looking for the sarcastic ramblings of one sarcasticly sick and twisted person look no farther….

And for a good time call my brother he’s desperate and will date anything with a pulse… and long legs.

I’m pretty sure the legs thing is optional… come to think of it so is the pulse.

Top 10 signs that you play to many video games…

10. You know the frustration of having to figure out which button is RELOAD/CHANGEWEAPON/USE ITEM in every FPS out there since now two have the same setup

9. You talk about your RPG adventures with friends

8. Your friends tell you about their RPG adventures

7. You have the approx number of hits to take out a enemy figured out after the second kill

6. Your entire body moves when your trying to avoid an enemy in a FPS

5. You remember when game manuals used to be novels

4. You still have a few of the game manual / novels lying around and you read them during potty breaks

3. Your significant other thinks your gaming habit is “cute”

2. MMORPG du-jour isn’t just a game it’s a way of life for 6 months to a year

1. Finally… if your reading this and thinking to yourself the something in here sounds very very familiar.

Welcome to my world.

Lord of the answering machine…

I’m pretty sure that I’ve stated on several occasions that I live alone…. as a direct result of this I have alot of time in the evenings and weekends to think about stuff. And I mean ALOT of time! So instead of thinking of ways to solve world hunger, over population, wal-mart spreading like the plauge, or how to make the Cardinals win more. I devote alot of time my answering machine messages.

Did I mention that my friends hate calling me because the message gets old after the 5th or 6th time.

Anyway I’ve also found that my answering machines messages are a great way to make sure no one and I mean no one leaves a message on my machine unless they really want to talk to me. It certainly does help cut down on the amount of crap I have to wade through. Though it really didn’t help during the election… I’m sure more then a few campaign callers were more then a bit annoyed at me.

So once again I prove to everyone that living alone is probally a pretty dangerous thing. AT the very least it’s hazerdous to your sense of humor.

Kind of like the picture…

Photo time….

So since I’ve got the whole no talking about work thing going on I thought I would do my bi-yearly break with that “rule” and show you something completely different.

This is a honest to god picture of me working…

Damn I’m a sexy best 🙂 <— notice the dripping sarcasm