A message….

Not directed at anyone person in particular… mostly… don’t think these messages are for you? Print out this blog post and write in your name, instant personal message from Tom!

Hey ___________ I picked up the new TOOL DVD today… I basically paid $10 for a 8 minute video and a 45 minute documentary. Yet I don’t feel ripped off! You should pick it up or borrow it next time your in my neck of the woods.

Hey ___________ I heard this line and thought of you…. “finally I get to save the earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows” (al gore)

Hey ___________ They hypnotoad commercials aren’t nearly as good as the hypnotoad show… all hail hypnotoad!

Why only three? Well if you read more often you would know that now wouldn’t you.

Ok just so you don’t feel left out you big baby…

Hey ____________ Catch this movie trailer before it’s taken down from the site it’s posted to!

Pay no attention to the Moose, the Squirell, or the Wapiti

As is tradition for me since I’ve moved to blogger I take the month of October “Mostly off” to do whatever it is the fuck that I do when I’m not working.

This year has been no different. From the 10 year high school reunion to a successfull elk hunt to spending money like I have a endless supply (which for the record I don’t… I get paid next week, two weeks after that I should be good though).

A while back I talked about my indecsion on going to my HS reunion, well the stars aligned and the truck drove true and I went. I had a great time until Jack D, showed up… it was all down hill from their. My brother provieds a nice synopsis on his myspace… you should go their and read it yourself. Of course you need to be my brothers friend to read it, so you probally need to friend him while you are at it.

Anyway the reunion was fun I only did the main Saturday night dinner and dancing thing. I once again confirmed that I can’t dance nor do I have rythm. On the whole it was a good experince it was good to see some folks I haven’t seen in a very long time and catch up. And if anyone from KHS97 is reading this feel free to drop a line.

So after two days of recovering from the reunion Dad and I went elk hunting, much as we have done for the last 15 years. Unlike the last 15 years we actually have something to show for our efforts. If you would like the full story drop me a line, since I don’t want to bore the general public with the tails of my hunt.

So since the hunt ended 4 days earlier then we planned I actually had a couple of days of downtime, man that is a unique concept for me. With 5 days of straight downtime I planned on getting a ton of crap done… and as is so often the case with everyone I only got a very small fraction of it done. Eh oh well.

I now return to work, and I’m almost scared for what awaits because I know the next month is going to be rough.

Email Silliness…

Got a couple of email’s that I had to share;

First up Greg and his adventures with fast food…

From: Greg
To: Tom; Nathan; James; Scott; Victoria; Keith; Eric
Cc: ‘Tuffelmire’
Subject: McDonalds Southwest Chicken Sandwich

I had the same experience today…….Had to surf today to make sure my McDonalds Combo #5 was correct for $5.06
Luke said…

I hate MCDONALDS!!!! I went there yesterday for the first time in a few months because I didn’t have any food in the house and I was in a hurry. I drive up the the order thing and see this amazing looking Southwest Chicken Sandwich. I was strong enough to order just the sandwich. No 76oz of cola or a bag of potatoes stuffed inside a piece of cardboard, Just this amazing juicy looking southwest chicken sandwich. I was so hungry that I ripped open the paper and tooka huge STICKY DRY BITE!! There was nothing on this chicken sandwich. I swear to god it was a bun, a pickle, and a dry piece of fried chicken breast. I almost choked. My teeth were covered in rubbery bun. I wish I would have purchased the 76oz of cola.

June 28, 2007 1:52 PM

Post a Comment

No butter, mayo, or spicy southwest sauce…….

I would make a smart ass comment to Greg, but he suffered enough with the sandwich.

Next up Mom, and a reaffirmation as to why she doesn’t email more often.

Did you know there is no such word as lefted?

mom picked the wrong day to pick on me, and my response….

“Righted” isn’t a word either yet everybody else uses it.

Please read the following…




Also please see smart ass picture, as I’ve been waiting a while to do something like this on MAC.

The 300(th)

So if your a long time reader you may remember that when I was in the process of moving to Phoenix from Kingman 2 years ago I wrote about my then 14 year old cousin who came to visit.

Well Matt returned to Kingman for another visit. I didn’t get up there this time around but we had a conversation that made realize that the kid is going to be alright.

its the only way to do it in my opinion i ever pose/convert/paint my own models you should see my demon prince hes sick looking

Your not playing the video game?

Your playing the table top?

I am so proud of you right now it’s not even funny.

ahh well warhammer 40k is a table top game i play chaos(demons) they had a video game made after it called dawn of war maybe youve heard/played it

Haha… No…

Supreme Commander and Wii those are my current addictions.

ahh well if ya got alot of free time then you could consider playing warhammer 40k

Oh you know the usual, work, friends, and more free time then I know what to do with.

hows life treating ya

The kid is going to be alright, the rest of the family might be worried but I’m not.

Bike Like No One is Watching…

I got this email today from a Uncle that has a flair for the writing and creative stuff. Since it involves neither computers or cell phones I thought it would be a nice change of pace and it also confirms that at least one member of the clan is quasi-normal.


A few pictures to share with the family about Monica’s transition to becoming a biking babe. Cycling over 50 miles the first day, Monica easily completed a half century in an estimated four hours as she peddled her way across the back roads of Maryland’s Chesapeake at a brisk pace of 12 mph. She started out the day with an easy thirty miles as the goal, her farthest distance prior to participating in the three-day Cycle Across Maryland event, http://www.onelesscar.org/CAM/2007/index.php.

Feeling the cool morning air (7:30am) breezing past and eyeing the lush green farm fields ahead, she confidently followed me to the “right” of the fork in the road instead of the “left”. Without even a glance back and still following the painted fluorescent arrows on the road marking our path, she powered forward knowing the day’s accomplishment would put her into the Kern-Cornelsen Hall of Fame. Friday’s ride began at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore campus in the town of Princess Anne and followed a meandering route through extensive areas of wetlands and coastal villages to the Chesapeake fishing town of Crisfield, better known as the “Crab Capitol of the World,” http://www.onelesscar.org/CAM/2007/images/map_crisfield.pdf.

After a 22 mile rest stop for replenishing the body with Gatorade and a buffet of fruits, donuts, peanut butter sandwiches and other carbo delights, she mounted her trusty Jamis hybrid and peddled off into the morning sun with her sights set on cold watermelon served at the finish line and a shower in the luxurious dorm accommodations. Lacking neither breath nor stamina, Monica effortlessly cycled her way into the hearts of the many veteran cyclist cheering her on to becoming another lycra clad, but oh so cute, peloton.

Barely did Monica break a sweat during the three days of riding as she chatted animatedly with fellow pelotons cruising down the roads of Maryland about the condition of corn and soybean fields to be harvested passing by, the calls of Killdeer and mocking birds heard on quiet lanes, the colorful sights of caterpillar and foliage or the latest in comfortable cycling apparel. Braving temperatures in the mid 80’s and humidity levels climbing, Monica cycled over a hundred miles from Friday thru Sunday. Slathered in sunblock and stocked with pints of water and protein bars in her Camelback, Monica’s only luxury was a 30 minute massage provided by sports massage therapist on the second day of her adventures.

Should anyone be interested, her husband’s claim to fame is completing two half centuries back-to-back (one which turned into a 60+ due to incorrect interpretations of a clue sheet and finding the mistake after miles in the wrong direction) and final three-day mileage of approximately 150. On our last day, winding down the three-day adventure with a quick 36 mile route, we discovered the newest defense system in the Maryland’s farm land. While our seats still fondly remember the curve of the saddle, our pictures provide more entertaining memories.

Dean & Monica

For the record I responded to my uncle asking when he was going to join the 21st century and start a blog of his own to record his exploits. You know surely what he has to write is better then my drivel.

The reply went a little something like this “Maybe if you put better stuff out there, the social life would improve?

That’s just COLD Uncle Dean….