It’s not football… but it will do… for now.

Just finished watching probably one of the best playoff basketball games that the Suns have been involved with in a long time.

Honestly I don’t care if the Suns make it to the Finals… I’m just happy they beat the Spurs. Even if Steve Nash had to take another beating to get the team a win.

One wild and crazy canuck...

Of course being a Cardinals fan… you don’t expect much out of your team… being a Suns fan…. all you expect is misery tempered by the occasional bits of joy. This is one of those occasional bits of joy.


Did you know that the “Native New Yorker” on Dobson and Guadalupe has $2 pints of Fat Tire all day everyday?


Did you know that the “Native New Yorker” on Dobson and Guadalupe has $3 22oz talls of Fat Tire all day everyday?


I knew they had great deals on tap beer… I didn’t remember them being that good…

I feel like I got hit by the Cardinals… all 53 of them… plus the coaches… except for Rackers he was in a hurry and missed the kick.

I don’t know how much more football my liver can take…

All I see are Blue People(ish)….

I’m pretty sure there were a few people who turned blue at some point today when the Cardinals tried to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again. My own personal musings are minor in the whole scheme of things, but seriously how do you blow a 17 point half time lead to a touchdown by the end of the game against the Lions?

I mean this is a match up I’ve written about in the past and used as a measuring stick of progress… I quote from December 8, 2002

The Lions played the Cardinals this week… the Cardinals won in Overtime… the fact the Cardinals won is a miracle… but it is only a minor miracle since they beat the Lions… The only team worse then the Cardinals.

The good news is there are now a couple of teams worse then the Cardinals. One of those teams even promised to “unleash hell in December” out side of a nice 2 minute drive not much hell has been unleashed. And the only reason I’m bringing up Black Jesus and company is I’m trying to goad a certain other blogger into posting her closet support for the Cards… Obviously she is above such trickery or she just doesn’t care. My money is on the second one.

Ok off of the football topic, I like talking about it but it’s not the playoffs and today’s win was ugly.

Don, Curtis, and I did a batch of home-brew last week. The good news is it wasn’t awful when I put into the keg yesterday. The bad news is there is still 6 weeks until it’s tapped for the Superbowl. Crap there is that football topic again.

I think I may have a new favorite topic… I wonder how much my posting is going to drop after football season?

Happy nine years of content…


The Universe Hates Me…

1. My Football team loses on the last play of the game on 4th down by 3 points.

1a. The 49ers won today…

2. After running my dishwasher, I found a leak in the wall behind sink… how do I know this? The flooded utility room was my first clue.

Or the universe is just screwing with me….

1. My football team actually did really well using the backup quarter back.

1a. The 49ers may still have a winning season.

2. The leak is temporarily resolved by shutting down hot water to the house. Thus preventing further damage…

Or that the universe really does care…

1. My football team will probably have another winning season…

1a. The 49ers may still have a losing season.

2. A certain person that I’m happy is in my life.

I knew they were dim….

But after reading this tidbit of information, I think I may have to lower the standing of a certain team from Pittsburgh even lower

Further information: National Football League Cheerleading

Almost every NFL team, with the exception of the

Pittsburgh Steelers, Cleveland Browns, Green Bay Packers, Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, and New York Giants, is supported by a professional cheerleading squad who attend games and promote the team.

Orginal Article…

At least my team has Cheerleaders…

Cardinals Cheerleaders

There are no answers here…

Not that anyone expects great things out of a Cardinals fan but I just thought I would clarify what kind of answers could be found here.

The total number is Zero.

What you will get is a crap load of observations just like the one I’m about to drop on you right about…. NOW!

In 2005 I was aware of football… I understood there were 7 points for a touchdown and 3 points for a field goal. I could tell you who the West coast teams were… I knew that the Raiders were to be hated the Bronco’s loathed the Cardinals couldn’t win and that was about it. I could identify the major positions of the game but couldn’t tell you what any of them other then quarterback did. I could name the one year up to that point the Cardinals had done something in the playoffs only because I was living at NAU in the same dorm as the team the following summer and my brother was very jealous.

In 2009 I scream at the TV on a regular basis for teams I have no vested interest in other then one particular player because of a purely stats based pursuit I’ve taken up. I can tell when the Cardinals are going to run the ball vs throw the ball based on how they are lined up on the line of scrimmage. I can tell you what teams are in what divison and what their chances are of going to the playoffs. I can identify a team that is good and and team is just pretending to be good (for the most part).

Honestly it’s a little weird to basically going from knowing nothing about football to actually understanding 95% of what goes on at any given time. And I wonder why my brother calls me the rain-man of football….

I know that having a team is not a marriage I can walk away at any time and choose to follow another. But everyday Sunday in the fall and first week or two of winter there I am either cheering or screaming at tv or in the stands while watching my team The Arizona Cardinals…. whether they be up by 20 or down by 40 I’m there supporting them.

It’s always a ride… maybe not the most fun, but it’s always a ride.

While walking down the hall….

While walking down the hall to my desk this morning…

T – Are we having fun yet? (To a manager who is a Steelers fan)
DSF – Starting September 13th I will, how about you?
T – Three days after that.
DSF – Really? I figured would start having fun next July

It’s nice to see the football love has started at the office…