Tales from the punch bowl… the punch bowl that is my back porch.

Favorite thing about living in Phoenix? The wind doesn’t blow 100% of the time.

Yes I know, thats pretty lame. Where I’m from though the wind never stops blowing ever… it’s always windy. Here it actually dies at night, to the point where you can sit on your back porch with a beer your work pager (because your on call this week and your a good doobie) and a laptop and just start writing. Actually 5 of the last 7 posts have been made from the back porch.

Wow when you turn down the screen back light it doesn’t hurt your eyes nearly as much… that is so cool.

Diffrent theme tonight… I’ve got “Massive Attack” on the old iTunes and the Moose Drool Beer is going down rather smoothly (thanks again Eve (the woman not the game) and Cody (the mac to my PC)).

A while back I wrote about the “file wenches” at work (as I lovingly refer to them) and how they pretty much figured I hated women. So somewhere between now and then the hot one (Izzy) has made it her personal crusade to get me to stop drinking coffee (currently I’m a 2 cup a day man). To which she has made some inroads (like I’m almost willing to try the mix stuff from Nestle…almost) now this being at work my coworkers aren’t exactly helping her out… I’m a bit nasty when I haven’t had my sweet sweet caffiene fix.

So as I keep asking Izzy “what is the incentive for me to give up coffee?” She and she keeps trying to break me… Risking life and limb to get to me before 9 AM on somedays to try and break me of my oh so lovely habit. To say that the deck is stacked against her is probally understating the challenge in front of her.

So if I suddenly stop drinking coffee and become way more irritable then I normally am I must have found an incentive to give up coffee.

Inertia keeps… Moving up slowly

Every now and again some of my comrades in blogging will comment “Tom, I’m decided to listen to you about not blogging about work. XYZ happened and I’m glad I didn’t write about that shit”. Actually it’s been one person who has said it to me multiple times and it makes me feel good about my decision. Even if it does cut down on the amount of material I write about. Granted I have broken that rule from time to time some times worse then others but by and far I tend to stick to it.

The nice thing about about have the proverbial MAC(s) to my PC blog is that they have interesting links and seeing as how links to blogs came up at dinner on Saturday night. Granted the topic lasted all of 45 seconds but it was enough to send me to re-examine what I thought were previously static link tables.

Yep they are all pretty static except for one additional link. I’m trying to figure out how Cody came upon this person and decided to link to their very nicely done blog actually this is the sort of blog that gives me blog envy. Actually for the record it doesn’t take much to give me blog envy these days a few nicely placed pictures and a link table or two and I’m yours.

Damn if you had a C++ gui programming manual I would so be your friend.

OK so where I was going before I decided to head to tangent-ville, this blogger the “dooce” was fired from a job for blogging about work. I present to you know a excerpt from her “FAQ” section….

“I started this website in February 2001. A year later I was fired from my job for this website because I had written stories that included people in my workplace. My advice to you is BE YE NOT SO STUPID. Never write about work on the internet unless your boss knows and sanctions the fact that YOU ARE WRITING ABOUT WORK ON THE INTERNET. If you are the boss, however, please don’t be a bitch and talk with your hands. And when you order Prada online, please don’t talk about it out loud, you rotten whore.”

So there you go kids… that is a good enough reason to not talk about work. Well that and it’s not very intersting, no one cares, and it’s really not that professional.

The little blogger(s) that could….

Hmmm it would seem that hell has frozen over at some point in the last two weeks. Curtis went and finally hooked himself up with a big boy blog.


I never thought I would see the day.

And since I’m “pimping” blogs…

You should also check out Cody’s blog http://a-little-oblivion.blogspot.com/ for he is wise in the ways of america jr and some even say mayo… not miracle whip… Mayo.