Just watch the video…
Category: Uncategorized
De Glazing the Bachelor Brain….
I recently stumbled upon a stash of old CD’s…. Circa 2000. Ah yes college, that wonderful time in my life when I openly experimented (and still do) with Open Source software and other strange things on the internet.
I didn’t find a whole lot in there that was to terribly interesting… Half written papers for classes… Programming homework… The original version of ye website. Truth be told it isn’t that different then that early version I was working on back in the day. Actually it’s changed very little since college. In amongst all of these I found 2 CD’s of videos I had backed up. One was pretty much just crap (read as porn)…
What it’s not like you haven’t backed up your porn? What you haven’t? True you can get copious amounts of it on the internets… But then again if you download to much porn you will go blind and clog all of the internet pipes. Remember kids Pr0n is for adults.
Anyway the second CD had music videos on it only about 12 and most of them were Rage Against the Machine videos. It has been kind of interesting watching the Rage Against the Machine videos again after a few years. It’s one thing to hear the music it’s another thing to see the music put to someone else’s vision. I never realized how rooted in pop culture the rage videos were until I watched them again. So that tells me 2 things. 1. I’m more of a pop culture whore that I tend to owe up to (don’t know if this is still true) 2. The best way to take down your “opponent” is to appear to be on the inside (still very true).
It made me long for the days when mtv actually played videos…
Oh well… Back to clogging up the tubes of the internet I go!
Geek Motivation….
Intersting read here… posted by a fellow gamer who got it from some website someplace. (As you can tell I was really paying attention). I found it to be true enough…. and hey who knows you post something enough times maybe just maybe it will be read by the right person.
Top 10 Ways to Motivate Geeks
Posted @ 6:45 am.
Being a geek myself, I think this is a subject I think needs to penetrate all levels of management in every company that values their geeks. By no means is this a rant, but for the last 10 years Ive seen what motivates us and what doesnt. Ive seen the managers that just dont get it. Ive seen those that understand completely and react accordingly. So, I thought Id share my observations and see what everyone has to add as well.
1. Geeks are curious. Let them feed their desire to learn things
I dont know how much emphasis I can place on this point. You can take the ultimate geekgive them a rockin compensation packageand give them rubber-stamped projects (same tasks over and over) for two years and theyll probably quit anyway. This point is based on the notion that if a geek feels his ability to gain knowledge is hindered hell try to find it somewhere else. Let them satisfy their curiosities with the task of picking up the latest technologies and applying them as they see fit. (Even if its just for a prototype.)
2. Geeks like to be self-sustaining. Let them figure things out on their own.
I havent met a true geek yet that wants you to hold their hand through every step of an implementation. In fact Ive seen quite the opposite. They want to do things their way. If you suggest something, odds are the solution is wrong in their mind because its not what they would have come up with first. Theres many ways to complete a task in the technical arena, why cram your solution down their throats? Dont hinder their creativity, just let them figure it out. The exception to this is probably in design. You obviously have to define your interfaces between components and have your requirements for the implementation. Let the details get figured out by whoevers doing the dirty work. You can optimize things later if they arent up to par.
3. Geeks are creative even if they dont know it. Give them a chance.
One thing Ive seen is that most geeks dont see themselves as very creative. Give them the task of creating a GUI tool of some sort and theyll butcher it up and say get someone with art talent on the job; I just know how to make it work. Now this may be true as far as whats appealing to the eye, but geeks have creativity inside them somewhere.
When you give them a requirement for a component thats just out of reach with the normal cookie-cutter solutions, whos jumping at the chance to dig on the web for solutions that could work? Whos rattling off a dozen ideas for things to try that might work with the newfound constraints? Thats right, its management. (Just kidding, though everyone has their momentwho knows? Some managers are geeks too.)
Even if none of the solutions the geeks come up with will work, its a vast pool of creative ideas to feed from. Though they see themselves as equation-solvers with little creativity, I see it as opportunity. Let them apply their creativity. They love to be in the brainstorm process instead of pushed to the wayside as a later-used resource.
4. Geeks need tools, good ones. Give them more than they need.
Ive seen way too many people get frustrated over their hardwares inability to keep up with them. Theres nothing worse than having a machine that you have to wait on. Bill Gates based his entire company idea on the fact that hardware was going to be unlimited and it allowed him to grow an empire. Had the PC not been able to gain ground as fast as it did in the marketplace Microsoft may have had a different story.
With geeks its not much different. Give them unlimited hardware (hell, just give them just a little more than they think they need) and their productivity and creativity will definitely increase. Best of all, itll motivate them. Geeks cant wait to see what they can do with the ultimate environment. Give a geek the latest-released workstation with maxed hardware and youll most likely get a little more than you bargained for from them just because theyre motivated enough to push the system to its limits.
5. Private, yet collaborative. Geeks need to be left alone, but not too alone.
Im really on the fence with this one depending on the project. Ive seen the case for both putting geeks in offices with doors, and Ive seen the case for putting everyone in a big non-walled room with the extreme environment at its best. Personally, I like a combination of both. Geeks want to be left alone when they know what their assignment is. Give geeks a problem to solve, and first thing theyll want to do is run off and come back with something that fits.
Isolation is great for getting things done when you know whats there, but collaboration is ideal for environments where people can feed off of each other. I think geeks are motivated by the idea of a collaborative environment with their team where they can retreat to a hole-in-the-wall somewhere and not be disturbed while they get into the zone and crunch out their tasks.
6. Free stuff. T-shirts, food, desktop widgets, whatever.
It amazes me to no end how free stuff can motivate someone. Geeks could care less about the free company logo pens you hand out. Im talking real free stuff here. I was on a project once where for two solid months dinner was ordered every night for anyone working late to meet the deadline. I couldnt believe how many people stayed just because it was easy to do it. Not only that, they were happy to do it!
The power of free things is that its generally more motivating when its a surprise. If everyone expects it all the time, its not really as cool. In my opinion, even if a geek expects free food every Friday afternoon its not going to motivate him any less than if you do it every random(6) Fridays.
Ive seen geeks go out of their way doing some pretty silly things just to get free t-shirts at conferences. The vendors caught onto something right away and have been milking it for everything its worth. They know geeks love free stuff, even if its crap.
7. Control
This particular point amuses me somewhat actually. Ive never really met a true geek that didnt love power. Not the kind of power that an executive has in a company. Im talking about the power of knowing the inner workings of a complex system that the company benefits from. The power of being able to hop onto a server and manage to be in the top three frag-count players on every mapwhile everyone else just watches in amazement. The power of knowing that no matter what c
omes along as a surprise you can figure something out that will work no matter what.
More to the point, geeks like to control their lives. Most of them (well, us) are control freaks that like to do things their own way. Be it control over how to implement their component, design their circuit board, cross out mundane sections of documentation that make no sense except to the business user until its re-written, see where theyre headed after the current projectwhatever. If a geek doesnt feel in control, the anxiety will kick in and chip away until greener grass starts to grow on another companys lawn. Lay out the plans, stick to the plans, and give a comfortable level of control to the geeks and their motivation will feed itself.
8. Geeks need recognition
Having a purpose plays a big role in geek motivation. If geeks dont feel like theyre needed or appreciated, theyll begin to wonder if they belong. If someone pulls off some completely unexpected progress by using their creative genius mind, by all means give them some public praise. Feed their desire to do more by giving them the reputation they deserve. The first couple times I was put in front of a VP that really liked what Id done for their bottom line with my applications, I had such an adrenaline rush that I couldnt wait to get out there and kick some more ass.
Some may claim to just do it for the general cause of figuring things out and being just another team member, but deep down inside it still has to feel great to know that others are motivated by your accomplishments. Taking credit for a project at a high level in front of management w/o praising the hands-on folks is never the way to go. Giving proper recognition to the true hands-on geeks that are doing most of the grunt-work really motivates them to do more.
9. Freedom
Now, I dont mean for everyone to get some picture in their mind of geeks lining up to see the last scene of Braveheart, but sometimes I just want to lean back and re-enact that scene in front of everyone I know. Hindering geeks ability to use the applications they want or being able to configure their machines they way they like is not the way to go. Give them the tools, but then motivate them by allowing them to really use them the way they can by giving them the free reign to set things up however they want. Companies try to hinder their employees so much by limiting access to things when it really just doesnt matter. If the geek cant get his job done with all the freedom given to him, then you dont want that geek working for you anyway.
This probably lines up with the control point quite a bit, but I think its a bit separate in whats being controlled. Keep the freedom for the geek as much as possible, and theyll hesitate to look elsewhere since most places dont do this.
10. Compensation – Saved this for last, but geeks gotta live too
This one goes without saying in my opinion. Its an implied motivator. Not everyone is as motivated by money as managers think, but most of them are from what Ive seen. All the other stuff definitely adds up, but compensation is generally the first and primary motivator for most. This applies less for people starting out I think. Geeks just at the beginning of their career are more interested in what they can learn and create. Later on its more about compensation and perks. This point could probably be an entire post in itself, so maybe Ill save that for later. For now, just know that proper compensation and benefits are a very key to motivating geeks.
Thats the set of motivators I think are key to really pumping up your geeks to perform. Ive seen them work, and Ive seen the absence of these motivators crush morale and productivity. Please feel free to add motivators that have worked for you and your geeks. What doesnt work for you? Im interested in hearing what others see on this subject.
What do you expect from me….
Nothing less then the best in drivel blogging about nothing!
No really this thing has to be the Seinfeld of blogs… only not as funny and a lot less classy.
I need a couple of fart jokes… that is what I need.
Damn I don’t have any fart jokes… So how about some random observations from life in Phoenix.
Wal-Mart my farvorite target, now I know most of you can relate to me on this one. When did it become nesscary to start carrying a GPS and Map to make your way through Wal-Mart? No really try finding something you don’t normally pick up. Now go to your nearest Wal-Mart Supercenter and try and find it.
Know where they keep the pesticides? You know the stuff for around the house ant traps, roach hotels, RAID that sort of thing. I will give you three guesses.
Nope it’s not in pet area (which is where I expected it to be)
Nope it’s not in hardware either (I need a hula hoe)
Nope it’s not with the house-hold chemicals… though you would be close I have seen it there before.
At the Wal-Mart I shop at it’s with the Bleach and Dishwasher soap.
Figure that one out… and yes I needed truly felt like I needed a Map and GPS. Yes a map that says Sock, Underwear, Video games all laid out in their respective areas…. Pesticides… crap that’s not on here… It’s gotta be over in the giant section marked “Unknown”
I fucking hate wal-mart…. it amazes me that I still go there.
So after wal-mart I decided that I needed to hit Pet whatever that is next to it. I wanted to see what kind of stuff they had and if there was anything worth buying since I’m cat sitting…
I did find two cat toys that I keep hearing batted around every 10 minutes or so. My guess is Frankie kind of likes them but isn’t sure what the hell they were.
But I did see something that just made me start laughing.
I don’t know if it was the eyes or the fact that the cat is holding a pot of grass….
I pretty sure it’s one of those things that is best left to other people to decide.
Mom always said…..
Happy 4th of July everyone… All 3 loyal readers… Well ok 4 now. I’m pretty sure that Krisiti tries to keep up with these ramblings of a mad man but I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t try that hard.
What did I do on the 4th O July? Same thing I have done for the last 3 years… Been in Phoenix. Odd huh… In 04 and 05 I was down here for whatever reason (04 was a LAN party, 05 was getting back from a LAN party in San Diego and at the time a “secret” interview on July the 5th for my current position).
This year was good, but it was defiantly worthy of it’s own bit of rambling and I give you the reason here and now…
So Curtis, Kristina, and I have decided to walk down the street to the drainage park (which Kristina calls “Lake Pee-Pee Ka-Ka”) to get a better view of the fireworks coming from Mesa Community College. So we are standing out there…The sun is down… The humid is up… We are feeling the heat…. Fireworks start… FUCK! We have this giant ass building in front of us… Of course we knew it was there… It was there last year we just never account for it.
So we adjust as best we can and all stand there and watch the show…. After about 15 minutes the show is going on and this guy walks buy us. Now this isn’t just any guy it’s a drunk guy… I look at him… He’s drunk… So he’s going to do one of two things.. 1. Pick a fight (I’m screwed) 2. Wanna talk (I’m screwed).
I don’t pay any attention to him and the dude stands next to me… Wow I haven’t smelled drunk like this since my days as a grocery checker at Albertson’s. Out of no where dude just starts going off on “Fuck Arabs this”, The Chinese are going to bomb LA, and we are all going to get drafted. Now this isn’t like a one time thing and it’s done this is more like a loop… a continuous broken loop.
After about 5 minutes dude looks at me and goes “Are you native?”
Me… “Yep”
Dude…”What Tribe?”
Me… “No, no I’m not Native American I’m a native to Arizona”
Dude… “What Trive?” (<—- And that is not a misspelling)
Me…”Kingman Tribe”
Dude… “OH? What is that Apache? Hopi? Pima?”
Dude…”I know some Hualapai’s they are good people, I’m Navajo” (I knew this guy reminded me of Albertson’s in Flag for more then one reason)
We chat a little more…. The broken CD talk returns and Dude stumbles on…
And now I know why Mom always said never talk to strangers.
She’s my good look charm
I’ve been waiting for freaking ever to use that line as a title… and no I don’t have a lady type friend I just think it’s a cool line. If a bit cheesy (cheesy like gouda not muenster).
So somewhere along the line I decided to pick up Planetside again… I deserve to get my ass kicked. That is all I have to say about that.
Ok moving on… I’m cat sitting… yes cat sitting. For those you who don’t know I’m actually quite the cat person. Actually I like cats better then dogs. Now don’t get me wrong I had dogs growing up, but I always liked the cat better. Granted the cat my parents have now is freaking psycho but that just comes with the territory. Frankie (the name of the cat I’m cat-sitting) is a classic alley cat… has a tude.. doesn’t really want anything to do with me and sleeps all day. Yeah that is about right for frankie. The damn weirdest thing I’ve seen is she really seemes to like my computer keyboard and mouse. More then once have I found copious amounts of fur and paw prints on the keyboard.
Anyway frankie is a cool cat. Even if she is a “cat” and sleeps all freaking day.
So with all of my teams knocked out of the World Cup (USA, Mexico, England) I’m down to rooting for those silly Germans or the cheese eating French. Yes I know have Portugal and Italy too but honestly who cares… the final is going to have one of these two teams. You know since they play tommrow. I think I’m going to have root for Zee Germans… Just because they are German.
As for who is going to win it all? Probally France because they eat alot of cheese…
Yes folks he’s still a dork…
I don’t know if I will ever understand our fasicnation with the man of steel (TM) I just got back from seeing the latest theatrical incarnation of everybody’s third or fourth favorite alien (with the first three being the Alien from ALIEN, The Predator, and ALF).
At a couple of points I was remembering watching superman as a kid and thinking some of the stuff he did and said was “cool” now he’s doing the same thing and he’s a dork. However we all still love him.
All in all a good movie… and the first time in a long time that I’ve payed full price and gotten popcorn with soda (large at that!) (For those of you who don’t know only my father and Matt exceed my in how big of a tightwad any one person can be… Though Lenny is coming along nicely) and not felt violated after the movie. Actually I think the last time I did the whole shebang thing was with the original X-men movie… so yeah it’s been a few years.
It is nice to see comic book movies that are smart, funny, dark, and somewhat thought provoking all at the same time. Granted there are only a few Grade A comic book movies… X-Men, Batman (“Batman Begins” I’m not talking about that bat crap of Batman 2 – Batman 4), Sin City, Spiderman (both so far), and now Superman. I question if Hellboy should go in there or not, I never read the comics but it was a good movie. I look forward to the sequel.
But this movie does raise two serious questions…
1. How come Batman and Superman have two very large cities to protect that are both in North America yet they don’t work together… better yet how did they get assigned these cities? Was there a lottery? A draft? Numbers out of a hat?
2. Wouldn’t the villain’s of say Gotham wise up and move to Metropolis and vice versa? How cool would it be to see the Joker take on Superman? I know that’s the talk of a heretic… but how cool would it be to see that? Huh? Huh? HUH?
Fine you don’t like my idea…
and you think Jedi’s are dumb???!!
Now that was cool…
So I get home from work tonight… usual assortment of bills n stuff in the mail… oh something from work this can’t be good.
Open the bills… pay us money… typicall.
Open the thing from work…
Hmmm form letter… great…
Dear Tom…
Thanks for a great year….
A busy winter
A perfect JCHO inspection
Good fincials…
well fuck work is happy
Please acceptt the enclosed as a gift..
And the enclosed is a membership to Costco for a year!
Wow now that was cool!
The Pot… as in stirring it…
So several of my friends have been blogging for a while now…. I have to say it’s nice to see them writing down whats going on in their heads even if it does mainly consist of how they aren’t getting enough sex and the day to day emotional highs and low that are life.
I also know that these same friends will read this at some point. Honestly I don’t care… If your going to stop talking to me over a entry in some random “blog” then you my “friend” have bigger issues then me taking my little pot shots.
So after you all get done have lots of hot nasty sex come back here.
OK you back… you lasted *Tom checks his watch* a whole 35 seconds you should be proud. Normally your under a quater.
So now that you all have gotten your freak nasty out of you. I’m going to write about a subject that is near and dear to all of us.
Cell phone providers.
How do you know your blogger is a geek and not getting any? When an entire post is dedictated to cell phone providers.
Realize this is only my take on what the diffrent personalites tend to be.
Cingular…. Cingular folks tend to be in a state of constant denial. They all say what great service they have but never seem to be able to make a call when they want to. Sure they have all of those nifty phones but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Cingular phone used for anything other then a paper weight.
Verizon/Altell…. Generally these folks tend to be pretty happy, though Altell customers do get a bit of Data envy when compared to the power of the Verizon network (it’s network after all). Sadly all of these people tend to sound like they are living in a tin can.
T-Mobile…. I don’t know what drives these people… they aren’t fiercly loyal to a company but just seem to apathetic to change providers.
Sprint Nextel…. These people speak their mind! If their service sucks they will tell you! If their service is great they will tell you! Often they will tell you with in 30 seconds of one or the other opposite statement and tell you again within 5 minutes during the same conversation. The Sprint Guy may be gone but his spirit lives on.
And there you have my $.02 of cell phone providers.
If you have any questions feel free to email them to IDon’tGiveACrap@gmail.com 😀
To answer a long burning question….
Do I belive in better living through chemistry?
Yes… hand me another beer.