Let’s all discover….


I was at the safeway down the street from my house yesterday and I’m going through the aisles I’ve gotten all of the stuff on my list now I’m seeing if there is anything that just strikes me as a gotta have it item. And there in the junk food / soda aisle is the greatest root beer ever devised by man.

Henry Weinhards Draught Style Head Root Beer. Seriously this is the best root beer in the world. think of it as a micro brew of root beer! Weinhards is to A&W what Fat Tire is to Coors!

Wow how about that last posting… never before have I gotten that many responses… which really is kind of sad… I talk about alot of diffrent random things who would have that a post about myspace would generate that much chatter.

So things to not talk about with people
My Space

I guess I should also add to that list “mythbusters” is it really true or not. Lets face that one though it is all very true!

Maldiction and their terminal points…

So tonight I’m in something of a confessional mood… and I don’t know how some of you are going to take this…

Some of you may abondon me others of you may find a new way to connect with me.

I have had a addiction for a while now and I’m just now coming to terms with it… No it’s not gaming… anyway that’s not an addiction it’s a way of life.

Somewhere along the line I became addicted to myspace… sad I know.

Other people have problems with drugs, cars, alcohol, nicotine, the list goes on.

What are my addcitions… Freaking social websites and LINUX.

I really have to wonder where my parents screwed up… by all counts I should be on the 3rd marriage and have barely gotten out of high school… nope not me… had no problem getting through high school and college. Not married no kids… just a bunch of computers.

Somedays I confuse myself… today is one of those days… I’m done now go talk amongst yourselves while I go play a game…


According to MSNBC, about 50 people died in Saudi Arabia during the annual ritual of throwing stones at the devil. Apparently a stampede broke out when somebody tripped on luggage. That sounds like a poorly conceived punch line, but it actually happened. And it isn’t the first time. In 1990, 1,426 people died in a stampede while throwing stones at the very same devil. (No word as to whether luggage was involved.) And in 2004, the devil killed another 244 stone-throwers the same way. By my count, the score is Devil 1,720 and Believers 0.

This is on the same day that the guy who shot John Paul II was freed. Clearly, the devil is having a good day.

I think it’s interesting that when you pray to God for a new bike, it hardly ever materializes in your bedroom within seconds. But when you throw stones at the devil, quite often you get an immediate response. That’s an example of good customer service.

Just some food for thought there….

Incidental aliens and the way’s of traffic

So what do I think of living in the valley 6 months after moving down?   Well the traffic bites, but I knew that walking into it.  Other then that I have no complaints.  Which I have to say is really a first for me.  Normally by now I’m bitching about something.  Nope not a thing.   Just traffic, and lets face it when you move to any city traffic is almost always a given.

Something on a bit more personal note.  A person I have known for several years now has had a rather large tragedy occur in her life.  It was rather sudden and really no one saw it coming.   I find the whole situation interesting… this person was basically abandoned by every one they knew as a direct result of their significant other.  I always tended to float on the outskirts of the circle of friends along with a couple of other folks and knew them more from their brother then anything else.  I didn’t so much abandon as faded into the background.  Point is I wasn’t around and have been watching the events unfold from a somewhat impartial view of the 3rd person.

Anyway getting back to the subject at hand I’ve been watching this situation over about the last week now.  Not through email or gossip but from first person accounts on blogs.  It’s a different way to watch someone deal with a great loss in their life.  As blogging becomes more and more prevalent through what is effectively the geezer generation on the Internet my observation has been that the blogs have become less personal and more on selling one’s self to the outside world. I don’t know if it’s because there are more people out there doing the blogging thing or if it’s because I’m reading the wrong blogs I don’t know.   Where am i trying to get to in all of this?  I really don’t know.

Interesting observations but, it’s to early to really be making much sense of anything really and I can’t pass a personal judgement on anyone for they anything that they may or may not have done until after I have taken a good long look at myself.

The laughing down the hall

You know there is a lot to be said for prep work. Prep work in all aspects of life… home, job, night out with friends. Yes a little time investing in drinking water and eating some food goes a long way to making sure that you don’t feel craptastic the next day.

So this is 2006? I’m still waiting for the meal in a pill and the moon base with a black monolith… that was supposed to show up what? 5 years ago? I guess that is what you get when you get people from 35 years ago writing about what life was supposed to be like 5 years ago. We still have a shot at a Soviet / American stand off in the Pacific over something… what do you mean the Soviets aren’t around anymore? They have been gone for 15 years? Where have I been?

Thank god we have the Xbox 360… you know don’t spend to much money on cancer research and working on a cure for aids. But really we need Hi-Def games in our homes.

I knew I should have taken the red pill.


Merry Christmas!!**

**Legal Disclaimer: “Merry Christmas” (hereafter “The Greeting”)… this announcement is not intended to offend, alienate, foster hate or be a precursor for any egregious acts(legal or illegal), thoughts, words or deeds. “The Greeting” is made only in the context to which it may be legally received, if in fact, it is received at all. It is not intended to be nor should it be, in any way, connected to any other type of greeting, real or imagined, past, present or future. No references to any persons, things or substances, animate or inanimate, real, fictional or otherwise should be assumed by the reader or receiver of the greeting (hereafter, ‘the greetee’). The greeting is not being made to (nor will tenders be accepted from or on behalf of) nonbelievers in ‘The Greeting’ in any jurisdiction in which making and or accepting the greeting would violate that jurisdiction’s laws or feelings (also refer to local statutes and ordinances related to ‘The Greeting’). In any jurisdiction in which perceived ‘greeting’ is not welcomed nor agreed upon by all ‘greetees’, then the ‘greetor’ of ‘The Greeting’ will be held harmless in this life and the next, including all issuing posterity both now and forever. ‘The Greeting’ may be made by a licensed ‘greetor’ and any liability assumed or created by the ‘greetee’ shall be the sole responsibility of said ‘greetor’. If you have been aggrieved, offended, waylaid, parlayed, filleted or delayed in any way, either real, imagined or perceived by said ‘Greeting’ and or by ‘greetor’ as the result of receiving said ‘greeting’, you can call toll free 1-800-CHRISTMAS to speak with legal counsel.”

Desperatly Seeking Serenity…..

Having lived in small towns up until 6 months ago I never really had a concept of the “Christmas Shopping Season” until this year. Before this year my concept was… there were alot of people on the weekends and the weekdays were a little heavy. Turns out the weekdays are almost as bad as the weekends. Holy crap it took me 45 minutes to get out of Best Buy last night.

I don’t mind Best Buy, but I don’t love it either.

Anyway… yesterday Serenity was released on DVD. I know you all saw it and all already own it. (If you don’t stop reading NOW and go buy it!). Anyway I thought I would go to Target and buy Serenity since I needed to get a few other things and didn’t want to deal with best buy. Well turns out that target is a mad house this time of year as well. But that is beside the point.

I find my way back to the DVD’s…. find the New Releases… and there is a giant hole in the new releases and I don’t see Serenity. I look at the tag… the hole belongs to Serenity. Well that makes me feel good, lots of people have already bought serenity… I however have not and I must own it.

I bring my mind into focus… I must venture to the dreaded… BEST BUY! *que ominous like music*

I goto Best Buy… it’s busy as all get out…. I find my way to the New releases… they have Serenity!

Only 3 copies…

2 of them full screen….

1 Widescreen…

I snatch one of them.

And with that I got the last Widescreen copy of Serenity in my area. I’m proud of myself and I know more will come in.

good times… good times.

Commutes and their strange effects…

On the drive into work this morning Nine Inch Nails came on the radio.
I like NIN and I’m sure I’ve written about them before… Their current album is pretty good. Nothing ground breaking but defintly harder then
most of the stuff that is out there. Now when you think of NIN who do
you generally think of ?

Trent Reznor….

Trent Reznor is NIN, and so there I was sitting in my truck driving up the 101 and I had the next thought. “Is ‘Trent Reznor’ his real name?”
Really think about it, the name flows off of the tounge yet it sticks in your mind… I don’t know I think that the name is made up personally.

Parents name their kids things like “Jack Johnson” or “Jack Black”

I don’t know I may be totally off base with this one or I might be right on but at either rate I think I have entirely to much time to think each day when I’m driving.

Untitled post # 243

“I don’t know what I ever did before I had a computer Tommy”

What my grandfather said to me when I told him that I had his computer fixed and was shipping it back to Kingman.

He’s only in his early 80’s and was in his mid 70’s when we bought his first computer… Incidentally when he bought his first computer it was better then the one I had at the time which caused me to go out and buy a new one about 4 months later… that computer is still sitting in my closet since I can’t bring myself to throw it away. That and I’m not sure whats on it since I haven’t used it since college.

The first computer my parents bought was because my mother saved the money teaching a side class. The original computer purchase was quashed by my father when he got mad at me for spending $200 on a Super Nintendo (my own money no less!) and as a matter of principal wouldn’t buy a computer. He said something to the effect of “Why should I buy a computer for the kids… it will just become another video game machine” WOW now if that isn’t fore shadowing I don’t known what is.

I really don’t like typing in M$ Word, it interferes with my natural writing style. Which is to use lots of “…” and basically mangle the English language in anyway I see fit. I least I’m not doing comma splices like I did back in school.

Actually grammar has never been my strong suite, English was my weakest of the core subjects in school. Which is odd since the guidance counselors always wanted to put me in the advance classes and I always was working to keep up with the regular classes. I guess 90% of appearing smart is knowing what classes to take to make you look that way to everyone else.

For the record, I consider my self to be slightly above average in intelligence…. But higher then average in my Role Playing Skills and Hand Eye coordination.