Well at least I got a good story out of it….

Consider the following… the story behind the wine…


So your probably looking at two bottles of wine… assuming they showed up in one piece, if not your probally looking at a very red piece of paper and alot of glass shards.

Assuming your looking at two bottles of wine… let me tell you a little story about the two scribbles at the top of the bottle.  The winemakers autographed your bottles… This is the story of that autograph.

So a couple of days ago (I’m writing this on a Wednesday… so lets call it Sunday) I was driving home from something (lets say a Cardinals game) And this advertisement comes up on the radio station I was listening to (lets call that KUPD) talking about a wine bottle signing at a local Whole Foods on Wed here in the East Valley.  I think to myself wow that would make a great gift for someone… then I hear who the will be at the signing…

Maynard Keenan

I then think to myself, “Wow this is the perfect gift for Eve and Cody! Wine for Eve and Bottle and Picture for Cody!!” Then the advertisement says “No pictures”

Ok it’s still a pretty cool gift even with out the whole pictures thing.

Well I think so.

So Wednesday afternoon rolls around and I make my way to Whole Foods… On the way over the disc jokey on the radio chimes in multiple times “don’t take your tool stuff, don’t take anything, all your getting is a bottles of wine signed up to the number 1”.  The disc jokey is a bit of a jack ass so I don’t sweat it to much.

I get in line which only takes up about half of the front of the store and notice that it’s doubled back on itself.  No worries I get in line, the nice girl from Whole Foods hands me a ticket and wine list, in front me is a VERY VERY VERY pregnant woman (who I would later in the line experience find out was having contractions that morning!)

Behind me is a older woman, like 40’s older so it’s your pretty typical TOOL / APC crowd.  There a couple of guys in front of the VERY VERY VERY pregnant woman who are talking about selling a PlayStation for something or another and other topics that I catch bits and pieces of. The line moves pretty quickly and everyone is very nice in the early evening coolness of what would turn out to be the coolest day yet in 2008 (both temperature and things happening).

So we finally get to the front of the line, they are letting in groups of 15 at a time to purchase the wine and then go to another section to pick up the wine. So we go into the store, purchase the wine and then I get into the next line and I’m wearing my normal jeans and black hooded sweatshirt.  The nice Whole Foods girl who’s minding this line (different from the other nice Whole Foods girl) tells me that Maynard’s body guard told the staff working the event “no sweatshirts or closed jackets” this is in addition to the large jackets, bags, purses, cell phones, and camera’s” they told you about earlier.  So I take off my sweatshirt and I look behind me and there is the same older woman who was behind me in line earlier I, she tells me that her mother is over at tables by the registers and will watch my sweatshirt.  Sweet..

I dump the sweatshirt and get back into line.

Next line they actually give you your wine, I got a couple of bottles so I also get one of those retarded little caddies that won’t stay together to save your life for more then 10 minutes.   There are probally 10 people in this line total and the next line, which leads to a dark corner that has a partition up and people are going behind and coming out of one at a time.

So we move to the next line, as we have gotten closer and closer the line has become increasingly quit I come up to the partition and what I assume to be the “bodyguard” waves me forward and directs me to stop two feet behind the partition all with out saying a word and only moving his hands.  He then waves me through after the person in front of me completed their wine signing.

I place my retarded caddy of wine on table and the first gentlemen who’s looks to be in his mid 40’s looks very tanned and has grey curly hair takes a bottle signs it and passes it to Maynard.  He asks me how I’m doing, where I heard about the wine signing, and how was the line experience (I’m doing very well, on the radio, and extremely positive (well except for the whole no sweatshirt thing but I don’t mention that)).

As I step over to get my retarded wine caddy Maynard looks up from his chair looking very tanned and very bald in his blue track suit (I’m not making this up) makes eye contact with me and says “Thank you, enjoy the wine” I say “Thank you, I will”

I walked away from the table and got 20 ft before I started to just giggle.

I go back to the front of the store and retrieve my sweatshirt and the woman who was behind me is right behind me.  We chat for a short bit and during the course of the conversation she says “I just wanted to ask the strange little bald man “Why are you signing my wine?”” In her defense she had been to multiple TOOL concerts and I’m pretty sure she had anyway.

The only thing that would have made the experience better would have been you guys in line to experience it.


Sad, on multiple levels…

I was doing a Analytics check of the old blog tonight as I do from time to time. And noticed something rather odd on the key word searches for this place…

Yes that right folks… people come here to find Curtis Kinney.

Now when I “googled” Mr. Kinney…. I found him after 7 pages and only as a comment and I was using “curtis kinney” as a search string.

The messed up part… at 5 minutes on the site and two hits Curtis is the biggest draw on this place.

Truly messed up.

Oh and just in case….

If you haven’t figured it out already… I now consider this my main corner of drivel… please update your bookmarks/rss feeds accordingly.

and maybe if you comment alot I will post my character cards from my game 🙂

And before I forget….

I did finally resolve my carbonation issues with my last batch of beer. I need to remember it’s ok to super saturate it the beer for a couple of days not the whole time it’s conditioning in the keg.

So good to know. Also good to note is that conditioning should take place under gentle pressure (like the first beer).

Ok that is all.

Aren’t you glad you get to read all of this Eve?

Viva La Revolucion!!!

Apply little tilde like marks where appropriate in the above title.

Also the revolucion will not be telvised due to wide spread piracy.

6 Days and no iPhone… I know one of you has to be proud. You know if I didn’t have 5 fucking bars where ever I went with the blackberry I would still be standing in line for a iPhone.

Other random droppings from the brain this evening….

The 2.6 upgrade to wordpress wasn’t nearly as traumatic as I remember the 2.5.1 upgrade being. So either I’m good with the whole self upgrade thing or I just don’t care.

While on the subject of wordpress blogs… if you haven’t already go ahead and subscribe to the XML feed for this puppy. I don’t consider it my main blog…. yet. But with the way I’ve been rolling the last couple of weeks I would say the bets are pretty good.

Also far fewer people know about this one which appeals to the recluse in me.

Also I seem to have completely fucked up the email MX records between godaddy and google… ah yes the whole reason I didn’t want to give up the blogger blog. So the lack of comment publishing will continue (mainly because there are no comments to publish)

Also with the semi-official transition to the new somewhat official blog I’m also transferring the “we don’t talk about work rule” the rules about politics and religion will also stay in place. Pizza is now a acceptable subject.

While on the couch….

So the lady friend has been over a few times over the last week… Friday night she says “Battlestar Galactica is on don’t you want to watch it?”  So I turn it on and pause the show at several points to explain the various back stories.

Thursday rolls around and “Greys Anatomy” is on and she wants to watch it… so turn about being fairplay I sit on the couch with my laptop while she watches “Greys Anatomy”.  She pauses the tivo and explains all of the back stories…. 15 minutes later she is done and all I can say is… “that is fucked up… I want to hear nothing more about Battlestar Galactica”

So other then the Grey’s anatomy thing she’s awesome.

Pigs (three diffrent ones)

So with the recent demise of HD-DVD as a viable High Definition physical video format I’ve been kicking around the idea of making the jump to Blu-Ray and all of it’s glory.  This thought was helped when my brother bought a PS3.  And since he is not a game one can only assume that he bought it for Blu-Ray movies.  And over the course of the last month or so as I’ve mulled this decision over in one form or another I kept hearing about how integrated the PS3 was and all of the other normal chest thumping when the users of one particular technology smell blood and indecision in the water.

I honestly had not been bombarded with so many reasons as to why the PS3 was superior to every other platform out there since Jr. High when Donny Witt and I used to spend hours on end taunting each other as to which was the greater the 16-bit system Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis.  Hey when your 13 these things make a difference.  And just for the record the Super Nintendo still kicks the Sega Genesis’s little white butt!!!1!11!!0ne

However I digress, so through some weird combination of coworkers, an alignment of stars, and a promise to not hack or break anything I have been loaned a PS3.

Que jaw dropping… for those of you keeping track the last time I owned a Sony system willingly was 1996 when I bought the then state of the art Sony Play-station using money from my job at Albertson’s.  I had sold it within a year and bought a N64 which I still have to this day.  I do have a PS2 that my brother gave to me, however I have not hooked it up and have made no attempt to.   In the ten years since I sold that first Play-station   I’ve bought two other Nintendo systems and when I’ve played them I’ve enjoyed them immensely.  Key phrase “when I play them”.  I’m a PC gamer and I hold a special place in my game playing heart for all things Nintendo as I’ve often stated here I don’t care much about games other then are they fun?  And my general experince with Nintendo games is I often find them to be immensely fun!

So what gives with the change of heart?  First off, at $400 the PS3 is a bargain of Blu-Ray player right now and will be BD 2.0 compliant when that spec comes out.  And since Blu-Ray is a Sony format you know damn well that any future profiles will be supported by the PS3.   Second it’s backwards compatible with that gianormous library of PS2 games and more then a few are sure to classics when we look back on them in 10 or 15 years (classics in the way I see “Super Metroid” and “The Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past” as great games of my youth).  Finally all of the new gaming platforms support some sort of link to your PC so you can play movies, show pictures, and stream music to your living room (sorry Windows only apparently Mac/Linux et all don’t want to support or just don’t care to support anything that would make their platforms accessible to the box in the living room (yes Tivo does run a Linux Kernel, but it’s heavily modified and we will get to why that is not a media platform in a bit)).

So for the past 5 days I’ve been playing with a PS3…

It’s more fun then I expected so it’s got that running for it.   The downloadable games from the Play-station Network makes ALOT of sense and I do I really like it.  Even if the selection is somewhat limited at the current time.  Hooking up with my home network was no worse an experince then the Wii or the Tivo was.  It’s a good media server  for the front room of the house and I could see me streaming things to the PS3 with out to much of a stretch of the imagination.    The games were “OK” I had a couple loaded onto the Hard Drive (Teken 5 being the closest thing to a “A” title and unless your a 12 to 18 y/o male a fighting game won’t hold your interest for long).  Teken has held up suprisingly well over the last decade or so and I have to give the the developers credit it’s still the fighter to beat.  “Call of Duty4” was a abysmal experince…. the game looked good, but I’ve never liked FPS type games on a console with the loan exception being the “Metroid” games.  I’m a PC gamer first and foremost and “COD4” on the PS3 reminded me of why this is in spades.

So what finally turned me completely off to the PS3?  My cable provider!  One of the big points of the PS3 is that you can stream music and videos off of it onto your PSP over the wireless network in your home or the internet!  And the PSP can play Tivo To Go files too!  Imagine my utter dismay when I was presented with the following screen.

Content you can't touch....

And this is true for about 85% of the shows on my Tivo, there doesn’t appear to be any rhyme or reason other then for some obscure reason Cox sees fit to set the copy protection flag on certain programs.  Ultimately this what led me away from the PS3/PSP combo more on principle then problems with technology.  Since if you look on current TIVO and PSP advertising they each tout how you can transfer tv shows from your Tivo to your PSP!  This killed it for me right here.

That and after watching “300” on Blu-Ray I could not tell a difference in picture quality, but the sound did seem improved.  Not enough of a reason to switch physical media formats.  But enough to give me faith that Apple may be onto something with the Apple Tv.

Good night and good luck.

A “Dry” run…

Doing a first “dry” run on the beer kit…. making sure that I have all the stuff that I need logistics that kind of thing.

Things to note…

Propane burners are loud and hot… should probally brew on back porch when time comes not garage unless it is a windy day.

20 minutes to bring ~8 gallons of water to 200F so around 15minutes for 6 gallons to 180F

Propane control knob has a small play region after 2 turns it’s wide open.

Need to find a better thermometer… this one floating way low in the pot is not a good idea.

Oven mits are a really good idea all around

Ball valve on the pot is holding… small leakage only from the end.

Sink, test, and tighten chiller before starting boil…

7 minutes to 150F with 8 gallons of water.

May need to spray out side of kettle to help get water temp down. Need to get second hose.