Category: Uncategorized
Winamp… It really kicks the llama’s ass!
A question for you all tonight…
At what point do you retire a computer? I find that I’m retiring equipment after 5 years. It’s either gone bad, no longer able to get parts, or as is most often the case I’m just tired of looking at it.
Just a thought… it’s one of those things that I think about but’s not important enough to bring up in causal conversation.
Sweet Revelations… Sweet Surrender….
When was the last time you went through your personal documents folder? You know if your a windows user it’s your “My Documents” Mac/Linux/*nix it’s “/home/%username%” I mean really went through it?
For me it’s been about 7 years. I have basically had one continously running “My Documents” since I was running Windows 2000 back in NAU. It’s been a while to say the least. So something that has been on list of things to do for freaking ever is to go through that folder and clean it up a bit. It’s amazing the shit I have in there.
Every paper I ever wrote at NAU and most of the papers I wrote at MCC. 1.75 gigs of pictures (I’m not sure how many of those are game screen shots, but I’m sure a fair number) I stopped printing at home 3 or 4 years ago and have been using PDF printers to print off reciepts and store them in my personal folder. It’s amazing the amount of useless shit I have. files I will never look at again are all piled in there just like my desk at work.
The sad part is your sitting there reading this and thinking to yourself “Damn when was the last time I went through my personal folders” The even sadder part is your still reading.
I guess it doesn’t help that I have only rebuilt my current PC once (the current install is only it’s second go round with Windows XP) The computer before this? In three years I probably did reinstalls 3 times. So figure once a year for the last 5 years and before that I really don’t remember. I do remember that I spent alot of time tweaking stuff and was militant about backups.
I find it funny that my longest install of Linux is 6 months I’m always eager to blow away a Linux box to try and learn more about it. So far my longest install of Windows is 18 months at home (the current install I’m working with) and 36 months at work (Windows 2000 Advanced Server for the surgery app that I supported). To my knowledge it’s still running in Kingman.
So much cruft so little time… of course it’s kind of interesting what you find hidden in all of this stuff.
The truth is…
Next time someone makes me mad I’m going to start talking about this guy and the subjects of his blog. If they don’t drive you up the wall then you will be clawing your eyes out shortly.
These are for C and C2
Return of the Mac
Damn iLife strikes again…
I’ve been rather of jealous of Eve and Cody’s blogs for their design and function for sometime now. I’ve made a half hearted attempt to try and immitate them. Needless to say my efforts were less then fruitfull.
Tonight while surfing the Apple website looking at what comes on a Mac I look at iWeb and there is the template that Eve and Cody are using.
Or at the very least it’s a variation.
Ok really it was the banner on one of the screen shots…
Now I know the secret to their iGoodness.
Kill your doubt….
I don’t know if this is a me thing or not… but I find that I do my best work with music going in the background set to something like 70% of the maximum volume…. I have drink of some sort in one hand and a axe to grind in the other. That is my state of mind what I write this crap. Now admittedly my style of “blogging” is different from other people I know (E, C, C2, K, LB, Br, LL,Cx,AlS) yes these are all people that whose blogs I check on a regular basis. When I say regular basis at the very least every 48 hours it’s probably more like every 18 to 24 hours.
Most of the folks that I read have some sort story or purpose in their postings/musings. And I have to admit I find all of you amusing in more then one way or another. I think the one point of critical advice I would give any of you is there needs to be more gratuitous nudity. Yes I know the internet is for porn, but come on people we have the collective blogging experience of ~12 years and not a boob in the bunch.
By and far most personal blogs I read follow this model.
I can think of one time off the top of my head that when I sat down at the computer I set out to to take a couple of shots at one person. That isn’t to say I don’t tell stories about my day for whatever reason. But when I sit down I don’t know what is going to come out. And if your a long time reader you know that there are a couple of real gems in there… but really most of it is shit.
If Steve Jobs were to pimp this blog he would call it “iShit” and the world would go ga-ga for it.
Right now 2 maybe 3 readers are chuckling to themselves. I know who they are hopefully they know who they are too.
And what was the point of this particular post? Well I’ve been trying to figure out how to use “iShit” all day. It’s tougher then you think.
To match the sun….
I think of all the applications that I use on a regular basis iTunes has to be one of more evil ones. I don’t know why it’s more evil then Winamp it just is.
Playing w/ the old iTunes tonight I been partaking of the glory known as whiskey. Canadian Whiskey, I would like this time to call out one Nathan Opitz as a bastard before him I knew whiskey only as a drink that you drank to kill massive numbers of brain cells. Never once in my life did I imagine that whiskey could actually be good. And a sipping drink. For this Nathan you are both a saint and a bastard.
Anyway for what ever reasons I’ve been making a play list and as I look at it now I realize that I am a happy drunk (which I already knew) but I also am looking at another play list from some time ago, like fall of last year basically right after I moved down. And you know what the music on the new list is alot lighter then the music on the old list.
Hey you know what would kick ass right now? Stabbing Westward! Hmmmm shitty 90’s music… OH lets go for the really bad one… DAMMIT! I don’t have the really shitty one in itunes… and I’m not going to buy it. Oh well we shall go for a little Jane’s Addiction instead.
I often wonder what drives people… you know in the meta physcial sense of the world. What event from the past drives a person to do everything in their power to be the power behind the man? What drives a person to “go fast”, what makes someone say “I love music, but I do movies to get paid”. You know deep metaphysical shit like that.
Know what drives me? And this is going to be the single stupidest thing you have ever heard out of me… Mr. T.
I know…. Hear me out.. back in the day… you know 1984 or so… Mr. T had a couple of PSA’s on NBC Saturday morning TV… I was 4 maybe 5 at time. I remember this one PSA about never quitting and if you do quit your a automatic failure.
That one PSA more then anything drove me… I didn’t quit piano I was kicked out… actually I think the term used was something to the effect of “he doesn’t seem interested and I’m not going to keep taking your money” I was 10 or 11 when that happened.
So there you go there is the thing that drives me… I know I know… but hey at least it’s Mr. T.
Not to say that I haven’t quit stuff between now and 1984, but every time I do I have that image of Mr. T going through my head.
OK now I’m off to try and figure out how get hot CT chick to not think I’m a goof… man I have my work cut out for me.
Hmmmm net predictions from 12 years ago.
Kind of a intersting read at the very least it will keep you entertained for a bit.