Even in a group I’m still a loner.

So I’m playing EVE (www.eve-online.com) right now and I’m going around from system to system picking stuff up. This in of itself is not that exciting. It’s not exciting for two reasons. 1. It’s my Alternate Character (or what those in the know call a “Alt”) and 2. It’s all pretty safe space so I’m good to go there. I think what I like best about EVE is that it’s a relaxed game that I can come in and out of at will… basically the ALT character does all the grunt work of mining and making money while the main character just hangs out. I know it sounds complicated but… ok it doesn’t sound complicated. If anything it’s just a way to kill time.

As for the title of this post… my Guild has a EVE team… but I’m not very active in it mainly because I can’t stand PvP (Player vs Player) combat, and again with the whole liking being a loner thing. Doesn’t work so well in Star Wars Galaxies, the whole loner thing… so I’m a little more social in that but right now Star Wars I only play when I have a large block of known free time.

I really think that EVE is a microcosim of the rest of my life right now. I feel like I’m in neutral with my personal life. Don’t get me wrong my profesional is good… personal life is pretty good. I have friends who like me and geninuely enjoy being around me. I just need something more…

and I don’t mean a dog.