I can see things I know I shouldn’t…

So the Cardinals are finally 2-8…. I guess a win is a win even if it is the Lions. I remember starting the season out with hopes of 7-9 maybe just maybe 8-8. Right now I’m hoping from for 4-12 and new offensive line in the spring from the draft bunny.

And so goes the life of a Cardinals fan…

So in your surfing of the intertubes and the intertube known as the Discovery Channel. There is a excellent program on modern day Iran. It’s really good and in my mind it was presented in a fair and balanced way. But not in the way of a certain 24 hour news network who’s mantra is “Fair and Balanced”. It was done by Ted Koppell so you know it’s quality.

E will like it if anyone gets through the first 20 minutes I will be impressed.

So who turned on the Christmas switch? Saturday afternoon not a sign of Christmas anywhere Sunday afternoon fucking Christmas carols at wally world and neighbors are starting to put up lights.

I wonder if I can find a “Bah Humbug” sign for the front yard.