A little store with a sign tacked to the side….

So through the power of my TiVo I magically found myself watching “Scrubs” tonight (you know that show about doctors that fawns over other shows about doctors).

Anyway they had introduced Courtney Cox as some sort of new muckity muck (and I could tell you more if I was actually paying attention instead of fiddling with facebook on my phone) who was really really really really nice to everyone. Of course this leads to the final reveal that she isn’t any better then the last guy by saying a line that goes something like this…

“Of course we are running a million tests on him, this guy has great insurance! MOMMAS GONNA GET A NEW X-RAY!!”

For some reason I keyed onto this and the first thing that came to mind was

“It’s not going to be a digital unit”

And then after thinking about it for a few more seconds…

“Probably going to be used too”

About 2.5 hours later I realized that maybe I’ve been doing my current line of work for a little to long.

At least I don’t glow in the dark… yet

It’s still kind of surreal…

So as you all know I work in I.T. for hospital system in Phoenix… and as a rule I don’t talk about work.   Well tonight your in luck… I’m going to talk about work!

To bad for you it’s going to be about nothing cool and will actually be a conversation I had at work yesterday over instant messenger

Me: Hey can you go to the Kidz clinic after you finish in the womens center they are having a problem with outside CD’s

Nathan: Where’s the kids clinic

Me: First floor next to the day spa and caddy corner from the marble fountain

Nathan: ok

Yes the hospital is in the North East valley but after almost 4 years I still find the day spa a little odd.

Not to pull your halo down…. or talk you to the ground….

I hate the first two weeks in Feburary, it’s just a crappy time across the board.

Mean while I have nothing but good mojo for the first two weeks in March, mainly because the weather turns consitently good, but not hot.  It’s the perfect time of year to live in Arizona, until summer arrives and find myself hibernating indoors from June until sometime in late September.

So I guess at somepoint someone said you can pick your friends your stuck with your family? Really that is news to me!  I guess I’ve always lumped the two groups together for better or worse they are the same in my book… which really makes the holidays kind of a pain in the ass.  If that is my biggest complaint though I guess I don’t have much to complain about.

For all of those who were in K-town in the mid 90’s

And we only had Vegas Radio… I present to you now the best of the music (for the bad NIN rip off crap it was)… the videos themselves don’t hold up real well.

I’m sorry I have to apolgize I can’t help myself…

And the better of the two songs… (extra points if you can name the orginal artist and album… extra extra points if you get the irony)

Of course this one makes the other two look like fricken classics…


I would do more but I’ve made you suffer enough….

And the winner is…

OK so the big game is over… the Pro Bowl is done (not that I watched it) and I have finally coughed up a couple of boxes of Nilla Wafers so that some long running jokes can finally be put to bed…. or at the very least be made to suffer with a few other jokes that should have died along time ago… like “YOUR MOM!!”


I do have a couple of ponderous thoughts for you loyal readers this evening so won’t join me for a few moments and ponder these thoughts….

1. Why can I not get 2GB of RAM on a Windows XP based Dell netbook?   Just curious really I can get 2GB if I went with Ubuntu but that defeats the purpose of me getting a USB HD TV adapter and using the thing for tailgating next year.  Since all of the damn adapters only support Windows and not Linux… also note that this will probably be the only time you see me preferring Windows over anything.

2. How come there is no cheap pay as you go wireless data infrastructure?    I’m looking for 3G wireless data speeds and not wanting to pay $60 a month for it… I would like to do something similar to a pay as you go phone and only pay for data on days that I use it and when I pay for data I don’t want it to be a 10MB cap or something small like that I want it to be a 500MB or 1GB cap you know so I could actually get some work done if I had too.  Also I want said data network to cost me in the neighborhood of $5 a for 24 hours of usage and be reasonably reliable.

3.  I hate Phoenix sports writers… I don’t know if it’s just the teams this year but I seriously am starting to dislike all of them.

4.  Also my loathing of the MPAA and all thing that involve me not having control OVER MEDIA I LEGALLY PURCHASED WITH MY OWN MONEY… grew to new levels. So this has generally made me think that this is the only measure I can really take to make sure my stuff is open and compatible.

Its so right on sooo many levels.
It's so right on sooo many levels.

Batch #4 Straight Amber….

OK after the last batch I’ve gone back to basics… Straight Amber Ale with Amber yeast nothing special in anyway shape or form…

Nothing special other then my assistant… who now seems to be infected with the bug for brewing.

See the picture at the top of the post for proof.

Watch out for those souped up grills…

So as most all you know that I have this thing with watching cars turn left and I really like it when cars turn left here in Phoenix.  Well I like it to the point that I go and camp at the track for a couple of days every time they come to town.

Yes I know it’s a sickness… your also talking to someone who’s been followed the Cardinals since 1993 and fan since 1998 (you know the first bandwagon)… well not so much talking as reading the ramblings of said person.

Anyway at the spring race last year as we are packing up Greg gives me his old gril and tells me “It’s a good grill, but Beth wants to get me a new one for fathers day” well I being the cheap bastard that I am said “sure”.   Greg later informed me that he made a few “upgrades” to the grill while he owned it.   What kind of upgrades you ask?  Just some new burners nothing to terribly special.

That was April of 08 and the grill has sat in my garage since then, mainly because I already had a grill and didn’t want to give up a lot of patio space.  So tonight after my old grills flame went out for the third time in 5 minutes I decided to drag Greg’s old grill out and fire it up.

And fire it up I did… this is the first grill I’ve ever used that lit on the first press of the igniter and burned my eyebrows almost clean off… and if my patio cover was any lower I’m pretty sure I would have burn marks on it too.

Ok so the burners were upgraded a bit but how much?

Well after 10 minutes on medium the grate on the bottom that holds the briquettes was glowing red.

That’s also a first for me….

Did I mention Greg’s nickname is “The Foreman”?


I think that may have something to do with it all.

From me coming to you “Steelers” is a four letter word…

It’s just past 24 hours since YOUR ARIZONA CARDINALS and that other team advanced to the Superbowl.  And as expected I’ve already several articles calling the Cardinals the worst Superbowl team ever.

Wow don’t let the Cardinals fans enjoy a moment or two in the sun before you begin shooting holes into our miracle season.

Sorry, I can’t contain myself.   I would like to read just one article that was up on the Cardinals that didn’t involve how great Fitzgerald was or the second coming of Warner… Though I never get tired of reading the articles about how great Fitzgerald is and how the second coming of Warner is out of now where.

Actually as I look over Sports Illustrated again… I’m seeing a fair number of of articles painting the Cardinals as the underdogs with a chance.  So maybe I should just cool it… you know I’m kind of hot blooded

OK so yeah….

Expect a fair amount of trash talking between me and another certain Steelers fan… I feel that I’ve earned it even if it’s only for two weeks and the Cardinals do have to go up against a defense that makes the Iron Curtain look warm and inviting.

Hopefully the oppostion will take it easy on us lowly Cardinals fans….

We’ve never gotten to trash talk a good team before…

Wait… we did beat the Cowboys when they were still supposed to be here 🙂