Dream on….

So in the last 3 weeks I’ve sat down four or five times to try and put some sort of drivel up for you my loving horde of 3.2 readers to look at, consume, digest, and throw back at me at “crap” it is the order of things here in this little corner of the interweb.

So in the course of the last three weeks I’ve given you

2 – posts about my personal ramblings on the iShit.

1 – 4 year old singing German death metal

1 – email from a uncle about he and my aunt’s tour across the Maryland country side (ok I have to admit I did find the picture with the tank rather unique and I will probably print it out to put on the fridge)

and 1 – post with quotes from work.

I already have fairly low standards for this corner of the internet… ya know. Most all of the words spelled correctly, almost proper grammar (thats more miss then hit), and a something that is more then two sentences when I’m dones.

When I started doing this back in 2000 (shit I have been doing this for some time) Actually I’ve been doing “blogging” in one sort or another for damn near 10 years now I just don’t have any of the old websites and I really didn’t start doing it “consistently” until 2000. Getting back to the point of this paragraph was to relate that when I started “blogging” I held my self to the standard of at least 2 pages of text in word. Can you tell I was in school when I was started?

The point of this post? No real point I’m just padding numbers to #300 on blogger and I’m just trying not to make them all pictures from the phone.

Bike Like No One is Watching…

I got this email today from a Uncle that has a flair for the writing and creative stuff. Since it involves neither computers or cell phones I thought it would be a nice change of pace and it also confirms that at least one member of the clan is quasi-normal.


A few pictures to share with the family about Monica’s transition to becoming a biking babe. Cycling over 50 miles the first day, Monica easily completed a half century in an estimated four hours as she peddled her way across the back roads of Maryland’s Chesapeake at a brisk pace of 12 mph. She started out the day with an easy thirty miles as the goal, her farthest distance prior to participating in the three-day Cycle Across Maryland event, http://www.onelesscar.org/CAM/2007/index.php.

Feeling the cool morning air (7:30am) breezing past and eyeing the lush green farm fields ahead, she confidently followed me to the “right” of the fork in the road instead of the “left”. Without even a glance back and still following the painted fluorescent arrows on the road marking our path, she powered forward knowing the day’s accomplishment would put her into the Kern-Cornelsen Hall of Fame. Friday’s ride began at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore campus in the town of Princess Anne and followed a meandering route through extensive areas of wetlands and coastal villages to the Chesapeake fishing town of Crisfield, better known as the “Crab Capitol of the World,” http://www.onelesscar.org/CAM/2007/images/map_crisfield.pdf.

After a 22 mile rest stop for replenishing the body with Gatorade and a buffet of fruits, donuts, peanut butter sandwiches and other carbo delights, she mounted her trusty Jamis hybrid and peddled off into the morning sun with her sights set on cold watermelon served at the finish line and a shower in the luxurious dorm accommodations. Lacking neither breath nor stamina, Monica effortlessly cycled her way into the hearts of the many veteran cyclist cheering her on to becoming another lycra clad, but oh so cute, peloton.

Barely did Monica break a sweat during the three days of riding as she chatted animatedly with fellow pelotons cruising down the roads of Maryland about the condition of corn and soybean fields to be harvested passing by, the calls of Killdeer and mocking birds heard on quiet lanes, the colorful sights of caterpillar and foliage or the latest in comfortable cycling apparel. Braving temperatures in the mid 80’s and humidity levels climbing, Monica cycled over a hundred miles from Friday thru Sunday. Slathered in sunblock and stocked with pints of water and protein bars in her Camelback, Monica’s only luxury was a 30 minute massage provided by sports massage therapist on the second day of her adventures.

Should anyone be interested, her husband’s claim to fame is completing two half centuries back-to-back (one which turned into a 60+ due to incorrect interpretations of a clue sheet and finding the mistake after miles in the wrong direction) and final three-day mileage of approximately 150. On our last day, winding down the three-day adventure with a quick 36 mile route, we discovered the newest defense system in the Maryland’s farm land. While our seats still fondly remember the curve of the saddle, our pictures provide more entertaining memories.

Dean & Monica

For the record I responded to my uncle asking when he was going to join the 21st century and start a blog of his own to record his exploits. You know surely what he has to write is better then my drivel.

The reply went a little something like this “Maybe if you put better stuff out there, the social life would improve?

That’s just COLD Uncle Dean….

Quotes from work…

I don’t talk about work much…. but here are some out of context quotes from this week that hopefully you too drop on your coworkers

“We’re saving lives here man, were not rolling out grass and planting trees”

“When your space shuttle is going 19,000 miles an hour and 1 inch off the launch pad, you best make sure your shit is working like it should”

“Dan read your monitor” (As Dan is trying to figure out if a character is a “5” or a “S” on a 6 foot projected image)

Q – “Why do you guys have such big monitors?”
A – “Easier to look at porn on”

Go Go iShit!

Ok the iPhone has been out for a week now and every technology pundit with a computer and internet connection has given their $.02.

Time for me to give my $1.25 about their $.02.

There is no way to make a technology pundit happy… they always find some flaw with the item in question that will then be repeated by every half twit out there (I would have used more colorful language but this particular half twit has used technology pundititry in more then one or five cases…) So the biggest complaint about the iPhone has been the lack of inclusion of 3g data for it’s data service (HSDPA for the GSM folks or EVDO Rev 0 or Rev A for the CDMA folks). The official line from Apple is something to the effect of…

“Current 3G chips suck power and we have included WiFi to use instead of 3G data” And they are absolutely correct. I will take a shitty WiFi connection over a good EVDO connection any day of the week.

Now for the counter point to the iPhone when Palm released the Treoo 700P it included EVDO data for CDMA (The Treo 750 on GSM has HSDPA) and what did the technology pundits roundly criticize?

“But it doesn’t have WiFi”


And now I remember why I stopped watching TV news… because at least with technology pundits I know they are idiots… With political talking heads they could be feeding me a steaming pile of shit and I wouldn’t know the difference… though that probably has more to do with the fact that I tend to skim over the politics sections of CNN and the BBC.

So where does this leave us? Well the iPhone is a interesting piece of technology that will be unlocked shortly (I give it 3 weeks from this posting and 6 weeks after that before it’s so easy that my brother and mom could both do it) I’m still out in the cold since there will not be a CDMA version of the device unless Apple launches the iPhone in Japan and just happens to leave the door open for the device to work with CDMA carriers in the states.

Me? I’m going to pass on the iPhone in it’s current revision and wait for the iPod with touch screen and upgrade. Of course I need it to be at least 40 Gigs before it’s worth the money to me. I don’t feel this great need to condense my gadetry down to one device between my Treo and iPod I’m good and for those long hauls I always take my laptop with me.

So there you have it kids the iShit from the iTwit’s brain.

Never thought to question why…..

Web 2.0 is a wonderful thing…. it has brought us many sites




you tube…

Ah youtube the first place to look for bad video’s or once upon a wonderful time to find clips from the daily show. Sadly I have been reduced to watching the daily show on my DVR.

A unfortunate side effect of you tube type technology coupled with cell phones that take video and cheap digital video cameras…. is every freaking website has a video show on it now.

Ok not every website but the web sites that I goto that I actually care about.

Case in point Tom’s Hardware… they have a review of how “Games of the year” hold up down the line. It’s not a article it’s a clip! Ok it may not be the best example but come on guys I don’t want to listen to a good gamer / bad gamer banter about games that I stopped playing LAST YEAR! It’s quite frustrating when all you want to do is read article and you people completely kill it for you.

Damn you web 2.0.

Here is a thought guys… do a PRINT article on the best games your not playing “Supreme Commander” anyone?




Chuck waits… You wait…

A week into the whole Mac transition and it’s been way more painless then I thought. I’ve had more consternation about what to do with my music and photo’s more then anything else. (two copies at the moment). It has not been all smooth sailing I have run into issues getting some web apps work. Don’t worry it’s all related to my work and that is why Steve Jobs gave us BootCamp.

Of course what Steve giveth Bill really fouls up….

I of course loaded boot camp and windows on to the Mac. And Windows runs great, I just have to boot into the Windows side to use it. I’m going to be honest I’ve never been big on booting between operating systems. So I’ve been checking out virtualization for OS X. The good news is there are some really excellent options out there. The bad news is that Microsoft has some really fucked up licensing.

This one has me a little ticked off so if you don’t want to read about Microsoft and Apple for the rest of this post I would just go some place else if I were you.

I decided to load XP, you know since it’s stable been out for forever and a day, and way cheaper then Vista. See now you can get two versions of XP full… OEM and Retail. The difference is OEM instantly gets tied to your hardware set. Meanwhile retail has some flexibility built in to help with those pesky hardware upgrades. Turns out that you can virtualize a retail version of XP but not a OEM copy unless you install the OEM copy directly into the VM. (This is really good info for anyone thinking about doing this).

So where does this leave me? Well for the time being I don’t know I haven’t landed on a virtualization setup that I really like. I would like to just do it and move on. At the same time though I still have my work laptop that I bring home and my desktop that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Honestly for me the best solution would be a VM type appliance that contained I.E. and access to Java in the VM. After that I could really care less about Windows.

So other then the whole I need I.E. to do some legacy web stuff for work that I can do on another computer just as easily I think I could recommend a Mac as your next computer.

Unless you Curtis or Clint… there is just no talking any sense into those two.

One of these days….

I’m actually going to write in this damn blog more then 2 times a year!

I’m on the research hunt for home brew right now… probably will start doing the first honest to god batch in the late summer.

It’s not going to be anything fancy that is for damn sure. Though this does bring up a good point… how fancy should one get?

I can get the super deluxe starter package with Keg and all or do I go more basic? The good news is that if I decide that I don’t like home brewing I’m out $100 after I get done selling the pieces parts on eBay.

Deep pieces of food for thought…

Reflections in F.U.D. and you

Being a I.T. guy from time to time I get asked by certain indviduals for help for things that fall outside of my normal day to day duties.

I like to call these individuals Doctors.

So I get a call today from a doctor who wants to use his shiny new MAC to work from home with… I feel his pain. I agree to help him.

So as I’m talking to him I ask if he has made a boot camp partion for his MAC. You know since running windows in a virtulized environment is the least painful way to get 99.9% of windows only apps (read as active X or require IE) to work in MAC.

“I don’t want to load windows on to the MAC and have to deal with anti-virus”

Wait, you don’t want to deal with Anti virus in Windows on your MAC?

Ok on one side I can see the point… I mean that is why you bought a MAC isn’t it? So you didn’t have to deal with all of those stupid Windows viruses… On the other hand…

What on earth are you bitching about? Antivirus programs are so dirt simple that they should be the first or second thing you load up on your computer! And you don’t want to deal with them?

My god man…

For the record I do have Anti virus on all of my boxes (Norton and AVG mainly) Windows/Linux/Mac

Just because Lord Steve says it’s secure doesn’t mean it’s true kids…