The worst part about picking titles from the music that I’m listening to at the time I write a post is that I have no clue what they are saying half the time. All I know is that tonights selection is from a band called “Sneaker Pimps” who I found through the power of 120 Minutes back in the day (read as college). I’ve had this music for a while and just haven’t listended to it and it is what came up in iTunes. Sometimes I don’t know what to make of it all, well in regards to my music any way
Anyway, the house/condo/cardboard box hunt is begining nevermind that this is the single hottest market ever.. and I’m a 1 income person and I have no desire for a roommate so that pretty much puts me in the catagorey of carboard box with a highspeed internet connection. Actually it will probally be like 3 cardboard boxes… a fridge box and then on either side the boxes for a washer and dryer. Actually that would be a pretty sweet deal, I have a nice living room, bedroom, office and my internet. What else does anyone need?
Oh I guess a stove would be a good thing too huh…. and probally a fridge… oh and a recycle bin… gotta do my part to save the world ya know.
I’m going to look back on this in about 4 years and go what the hell was I on.. sadly I’m stone sober and quietly eating a cold piece of pizza.
And now the bachelor comes out in me..
Best cold pizza is Papa Johns.
Best Frozen Pizza – Digiorno/Californa Pizza Kitchen
Best Pizza – Alpine Pizza in Flagstaff
Somedays I really miss that place. Today is not one of those days.