What’s most interesting about having a AIO water cooler on my gaming PC? Is it gurgles on the regular…. like whatever water is in there has collected and it now “gurgles” to clear it out… it’s weird and unexpected and its done this since day 1. I don’t know if it’s an AIO thing, or just the AIO I have.
Anyway I thought I would put up a couple of updates from things over the last few months.
- I did buy an office chair for the standing desk… it’s quite nice and is very comfortable for sitting in for about 1.4 hours… and then I want to stand. So mission accomplished.
- The Unifi Dream Machine has been replaced by it’s big brother… and I have download speeds off the router of 1.3Gbps. 10Gbps networking is on the horizon film at 11ish.
- No workspace updates, as it turns out having an office for work and an office for “fun” works out really nicely to get you to stop thinking about how to make your office less office like.
- Once back to the office office full time, the “pay the bills” office will most likely be slowly migrated into some sort nerd knick knackery of some sort.
- I have become the thing I hate… (see bit about knick knacks, and reference any house that my family has a hand in that has been decorated by my mother)