You will never know…

What the truth to anything is until you have looked yourself square in the face and have made peace with yourself.

Have I done that?


Will I?

I don’t know I going to have to get back to you on that one.

However now in the mean time I bring you the drivel that is my writing. It would appear that a few of you have missed it. More like one of you has so guess that is not really a majority. The fact that anyone reads this still boggles my mind.

So I’ve decided that myspace is particularly evil. It’s even more evil when a friend subscribes to a music group. Now granted that in of it self is not a bad thing. Let me present the following evidence. I have 14 friends (rough number I don’t know how many I actually have as I’m to lazy to look and I’m trying to prove a point). Since this one “friend” joined a group I have gotten no less then 40 friend requests. Since Friday of last week (this is being written on a Monday evening).

So what is the take away from this? If you join a group make damn sure I’m not in your top 8.

I have nothing else to bitch about. So I’m going to leave you with the bewilderment that is my new TV.