A Letter to My “Friends” at Electronic Arts….

Dear Electronic Arts (EA),


I recently purchased a game that one of your top tier in house development shops spent what I assume to be many years developing.  The game in question is “Mass Effect 3” I bought this game despite having not played the previous two games and “Mass Effect 3” receiving what could only be described as “tepid” reviews.   I have thoroughly enjoyed playing this game over the last couple of week as my personal life and other obligations have allowed.   I’ve found the game to be both challenging and to have a story that I actually want to follow and pay attention to along with characters and choice that make me care about the outcome of the game.


This was all brought to a grinding crashing halt this morning when I tried to play “Mass Effect 3” a game I have purchased on physical media to play on my Xbox360, it would appear as though I can not reach the save file for the game if the EA Content servers are down!  Now I could understand not reaching the game files if I were not signed into Xbox Live or my Xbox Profile (which I was signed into and was able to successfully play the Batman demo) but yet I need your servers to be online to play a game that I purchased and want to play in a single player mode?!


EA I’m going to be honest, I understand that your trying to make a buck here and that’s your thing and I’m fine with that.  Seriously though you need to stop running game specific servers for each platform that then lock the game to when your content servers are online.   I’m hoping this is only a one time thing and that truly it’s just something that is misconfigured or I’m not doing right (I don’t know how I couldn’t be doing something right when I put the disc in, sign into Xbox Live, and start the game is all the more procedure I need to do).  I’m not a fan on playing games online with the public, especially with the Xbox and it’s rampant contingent of over testosteroned teens and 20 somethings they generally tend to be ass hats (I should know I used to be one of them).  I prefer a single player experience, I like a good story, I want to be entertained when I play a game I don’t want to have to be at the whims of a 3rd party publisher and when their servers are up to play a single player game.

EA I have many issues with how you do business, but I overlook most of them because you tend to do two things very well.  First you put out a generally consistent product for your top tier games and second you actually try new ideas (unlike a certain other 3rd party publisher).   Don’t make me start to think twice about purchasing your games in the future.


Thank you,



A gamer for 25+ years.

One thought on “A Letter to My “Friends” at Electronic Arts….”

  1. I’m sorry, you must be logged into your ea.com account to lodge a complaint. Filing a complaint is against the terms of service for your ea.com account. Filing a complaint could result n a revocation of your EA game playing privileges. Any attempt to plan an EA title without the express consent of EA or its affiliates is punishable under the DMCA. Information on how to resolve your issue may be available from our help department. Each inquiry tot he help department is considered a DLC micro transaction. All major credit cards are accepted.

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