You know what is awesome about using Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd as your seed bands for Pandora, the quality of the music that comes out of that pairing. You know little things like Neil Young (Awesome!) and David Gilmour (almost as awesome but close). Pandora almost makes up for the lack of 120 Minutes and Head Bangers Ball… almost…
Category: Cameras are good
Where I discover….
That I need to take my camera someplace other then nascar one of these days…
It’s a good day to fly away…
So in my adventures at work occasionally something cool happens like, my partner in crime at work and I get tickets to the spring training game going on across the street from work simply because it’s a Monday and we are the first ones to say yes. Now a event like this doesn’t happen often and when it does I must gloat (as I know any number of my “friends” would do) to the schmucks still at work in their offices.
First the picture I sent… and then a selection of txt responses I got… Sans name first person to figure out who sent what gets a six pack of Nilla Wafers and first hit off the next keg of homebrew.
For context here is the message that went with my picture…
Subject: God I hate my life;
My asshole boss gave me tickets to a spring training and told me to go… the ass!
And now for the contestants….
“Gloater…I hope you choke on your fried Twinkie”(This one is my personal favorite.)
“That son of a bitch. Next time you should snub him by giving the tickets to me”
“What a douche…and I’m not sure I mean your boss”
“Poor thing”
“Ahh so jealous!”
To know me and to know my friends is to know sarcasm at it’s highest form.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday Night Lights…
Speaking of Poop…
I got this picture in a happy thanksgiving email… and immediately I thought of Eve (the woman not the game)…
I have no idea why I would think such a thing
At any rate have a good Thanksgiving all… hopefully it won’t be to terribly poop filled!
The more things change….
So I was digging around the old website that was the historic beginings of the this wordpress type blog looking for a picture of my brother with either Chip or Dale to post on facebook and just to generally be not nice…
I found the picture but I kept scrolling through and I found this little gem from December 8, 2002…
The Lions played the Cardinals this week… the Cardinals won in Overtime… the fact the Cardinals won is a miracle… but it is only a minor miracle since they beat the Lions… The only team worse then the Cardinals.
It’s nice to see that at least one of those things hasn’t changed… the other one well we are still waiting to see if the change is permanent…
And I guess if you really want to see the photo of my brother with either Chip or Dale…
Little brother be happy I had a change of heart on the whole facebook thing…
2000 some odd pictures later…
Once upon a time Cody said… the key to taking a good picture is to take lots and lots and lots and lots of pictures and you will get lucky….
Well I followed this advice… upgraded camera’s and took yet more pictures. This week I received validation in two places.
#1 An email from these nice people….
And #2 This picture… which just happens to be in a collection of 300+ taken over the 4th of July weekend.Schmap Phoenix Eighth Edition: Photo Inclusion
Hi Catalexiis,
I am delighted to let you know that your submitted photo has been selected for inclusion in the newly released eighth edition of our Schmap Phoenix Guide:
Downtown Phoenix
Thanks so much for letting us include your photo – please enjoy the guide!Best regards,
Emma Williams,
Managing Editor, Schmap Guides
You have no idea how much this will only encourage me now.
The Unelected…
Play us a song young piano man…
Photographic evidence from trip #3 to Milwaukee…. went on “safari” in downtown Milwaukee on the River Walk with people from the class… Here are the highlights in pictures.
Here we have a picture of Dr. Franklin (this one is for Kristi and Matt) from a place called the “Safe House”. Interesting place… next time you see me have me talk about it. Other notables on the wall of Celebrity’s at this place. Anthony Daniels (C3PO) and two of the three “Lone Gunmen” (that one is for Curtis).
And because no trip is WI is complete with out some sort of cheese like product…..
And the last two were on the out side of this bar on the River Walk… Ironically I did not have Guinness instead I had Smithwicks.