It’s a good day to fly away…

So in my adventures at work occasionally something cool happens like, my partner in crime at work and I get tickets to the spring training game going on across the street from work simply because it’s a Monday and we are the first ones to say yes. Now a event like this doesn’t happen often and when it does I must gloat (as I know any number of my “friends” would do) to the schmucks still at work in their offices.

First the picture I sent… and then a selection of txt responses I got… Sans name first person to figure out who sent what gets a six pack of Nilla Wafers and first hit off the next keg of homebrew.

For context here is the message that went with my picture…

Subject: God I hate my life;
My asshole boss gave me tickets to a spring training and told me to go… the ass!

And now for the contestants….

“Gloater…I hope you choke on your fried Twinkie”(This one is my personal favorite.)

“That son of a bitch. Next time you should snub him by giving the tickets to me”

“What a douche…and I’m not sure I mean your boss”

“Poor thing”

“Ahh so jealous!”

To know me and to know my friends is to know sarcasm at it’s highest form.

Drown in the now…

I seem to have picked up a new hobby in the last couple of months and I didn’t even realize it until I got done talking to my dad. Apperntly I’ve stumbled into gun collecting or at the very least the old man is giving me first dibs on guns that he either already has or doesn’t want. Now the part about the old man offering me guns is nothing new. The new part is the quantity and the quality of the guns…

2009 and before… it tended to be new rifles and more of a informative “Hey if you want a new hunting rifle this is one you should look at”. In 2010 I’ve talked to my dad three times this year… twice he called about guns the first one was a heavy barrel .308. I already shoot a 30-06 elk and deer hunting so the .308 isn’t of that much interest to me… though if you knew the kind of country we hunted elk in (an area that we lovingly refer to as the “nuclear wasteland of elk”) a .308 starts to make alot more sense. Of course setting up what amounts to a sniper position for elk hunting doesn’t really appeal to me all that much… but then again that’s basically what I’m already doing.

The other gun my dad called me about was a Colt AR-15 .223 (post ban no flash suppressor) that one piqued my interest and I have no idea why. It’s a .223 round which at distance is a little light for elk hunting (figure 200 to 300 yd shot) but it would be good for just about everything else. So this gun truly comes into the category of “toys” or if your Curtis “zombie weapon”.

My issues are all my own and I’m torn, yes I would really like to get this “toy” but at the same time the responsible side of me says there are alot of other things you can do with that money (I get that alot from responsible side it’s all responsible and stuff, it’s really annoying) why am I posting this? because it’s truly the biggest drama in life.. and if my biggest problem is whether or not to buy a gun I know that I truly have no problems.