Know it now…

I’ve been having an hankering to post on workspaces and perceived ergonomics of the home side of a hybrid workspace. The very short version of that is get a standing desk and be willing to put in the money to build and maintain your space. You are spending 32 hours+ a week there… might as well reflect you.

Ok with that out of the way, on to the entry for the evening and most likely the next good long while. I’ve been in a reflective mood for the last couple of months. I think part of it is I often spend the first part of years in a reflective mood. Friends are resetting from the holidays with their family units, work life returns to some level of normal, and life just in general is busy. This is the time of year I often take stock of what has passed, what I think is coming, and generally do any minor resets. 2024 so far has been very much in this paradigm. The most unexpected thing to occur is re-connecting with a friend from the 1900’s that I count amongst my oldest and most cherished.

On the other side of the coin I look at where I am in relation to my peer group in just about everything. On the marriage and kids part… that’s a full on non-starter as I’m very much not in that camp. Which often leaves other aspects of life to balance against. And for the most part I’m right where I should be for the most part. Maybe a bit ahead in some aspects, but by all counts not really behind. That’s the thing I always think that I’m behind and missing something in someway that will be detrimental, and what I find is that I often have paid close attention to the fundamentals that I’m generally in pretty good shape. The trick is telling my inner monologue to chill we are ok… my inner monolouge is still convinced that we will end up on the street next week. I don’t know where this concern comes from, but that is particular brand of “crazy”.

Which is a very long way of saying, for all of my crazy I think it’s turned out pretty good ok.

Banging my head against the wall…

Not because of anything going on, it’s just a lyric from the song on spotify… somethings just never change.

So I think I might have a problem… It started in the summer of 2020 and it’s just been slowly escalating to a point now where it’s pervasive.

The issue ask?

Mechanical keyboards… specifically all of my computers now have them and when I type on a membrane keyboard I openly bitch about it at work.

It started simply enough, Keychron K2 that all the tech reviewers were into at the time (and if you watch their videos many are still rocking K2 boards or something similar from Keychron). I then got a “gaming mechanical” keyboard.

What makes it gaming you ask? Why the RGB when you type on it of course.

I then got two more boards… this time both logitech for work. One at home and one for the office when go in. Both are Logitech K8xx series keyboards… they are cheap enough and I’m not spending MX money on stuff for work. Of the two I really like the K845 better, it’s a bit slimmer and lower profile on the deck but has full size keys.

Which got me noticing tall my K2 was when I used it to type (and the distinct lack of a number pad) that I started looking for new keyboard for home and well the Keychron K7 is seeming to fit the bill. I don’t know if I’m loving the RED switches vs the Browns I have in everything else (the K845 is also RED and doesn’t feel as stiff as the K7).

So I now have more mechanical keyboards then I do full time use computers in the house… so yeah….

But of all the problems to have it’s better then turning yellow like a Simpsons character.

A public service of sorts….

For those of you who have basically been with me since the beginning you may remember a period where I all wrote about was Linux and my musings involving that oh so lovely operating system…

Know that in the last 24 hours I’ve had to fight the urge to start doing the same about my Android phone…

Who knew that “clockwork mod” would be so much fun.

Keep until the end…

Long time readers of the blog… and I think there is a grand total of 4 of you now. Probably remember the last round of upgrade fever that hit the batcave which resulted in a TiVo, a MacBook Pro, and a sooner then I would have liked upgrade to my current desktop rig. That last bout of upgrade fever was 2007. Honestly it was pretty much kicked off by coming into a couple of bucks because of a house I sold. I think I may have gotten into beer brewing at about that time too, and I have yet to hear anybody complain about that (when enjoyed in moderation).

So flash forward to 2010 it’s 3 years since the last major bout of upgrade fever… and honestly I don’t think it’s returned. Do I look at the new Core i5 MacBook Pro’s and go “damn that is one sexy machine”? Oh hell yes I do. Am I going to stick with Mac as my laptop platform of choice…. at this time I’m going to say that the answer is yes. I don’t feel this over riding urge to go and purchase a new laptop simply because it’s new. Other then a different body style and upgraded guts what does this new mac do that my existing mac doesn’t do?

In a word not a damn thing. Actually I’m starting to think that I may pull windows off my mac with the exception of a vmware environment. Why install windows on a mac? well in a word “games” and I have to think about the last time I played a game on my mac (spring of 2009) after that I’ve booted into windows just to update it and the AV software, I’m normally back to the mac os within a hour or so. At this juncture it seems kind of dumb to keep a windows partition on my mac. Vmware has matured as a product that it’s pretty usable for those one off devices that won’t work with mac (which in my world are far and few between).

What I find interesting is what I choose to do on my mac vs my pc….

Photos… mac
Videos… editing the one time… mac… watching pc
surfing… pc unless I actually unpug the mac and take it to another room… and honestly I would just assume leave the technology in the office when I get home / get done working.
games… pc
blogging… what ever is most convenient… which again depends on what I’m doing quick dumps seem to go better on the pc… longer sessions (pretty much anything with the category of “musing of a back porch”) tends to be written on the mac. Not that the mac is any better it’s just more portable which lets me get creative in other spots.

When I think about how I use mobile technology I know that a iPad while cool would probably not be used as anything more then a media tablet and digital photo frame. And if I had pictures that I wanted to show off in HD on a 10 inch screen I would so buy one. But I don’t and I tend to be more old school in my technology usage (I still prefer a command line for Christ sake) and combination of mac-book air with a mac mini seems like it would do well for me. At the very least the mac-book air wouldn’t burn my legs like my mac book pro.

Why a Mini and a Air? The Air would be for the day to day stuff, surfing and writing… The mini would be for more cpu intensive apps (vmware, iphoto editing, something with more then a 12 inch screen) of course the cost of those two items is just about to the point of a mac book pro and why buy two when you can have one at the same price.

The part in all of this that drives me up the wall the most? Other then a slightly undersized hard drive (which is fixed very easily by a afternoon and $75) I have zero problems with my mac and it does everything I need/want it to do! I don’t know if I’ve finally hit the point of not needing the latest and greatest or if maybe just maybe I have found technology that can fulfill my needs for a extended period of time.

God it’s hell to have my problems. 🙂