You play with our world like it’s your little world…

A.K.A the one with multiple posts part duex….


I don’t know how this conversation came about today but it was somehow telling because the whole time I was flashing to a Myspace post that Kristina made.

So I’m at work today, like I am ~5 days a week. I’m upstairs talking with the consultant Mr.Smith about building some table in one of the systems I work on. Out of the blue I break from my conversation with Mr. Smith and start looking around the “new” (also known as newly remodeled) office that is the technical group upstairs. I’m taking a intrest because next week my happy butt gets moved into a similar office across the hall. Anyway I’m looking at this office and I start talking to one of our database guys and he just out of the blue (well what to me is out of the blue) about how my current cube has no personal effects in it. No pictures, no knick knacks, nothing.

Well thats not entierly true I did have a shipping crate that contained a ultrasound unit for 6 months but that is beside the point.

The database guy starts showing me the stuff in his cube… now I will say this he is one the cooler people that I have met in my time at my current position. Mean while I’m flashing onto what Kristina wrote…

“So far I have the essential office junk of pen cup, folder sorters of varying sizes, phone, computer, printer and a spot for all the office’s reference binders. Beyond that, BORING. I have in queue to bring; more pictures of loved ones, bamboo chute (a plant to make office life bearable—heck it may even show responsibility if I don’t kill it with florescent lighting!), a fake plant to disguise the fact I killed the living plant in a few months, a wind chime that was a present of past…what else could be fun and reflect some personality?!? Respond and give me some tips…looking forward to it!”

Kristina is speaking of her cube at her work… and this is all I’m thinking about.

I’m sitting here thinking about it almost 12 hours later… my cube at work looks alot like my office at home… alot of junk and alot of computers.

Anyone know where I can find a pirate flag?

How can I do Quantitative study on something that is very Qualitative?

On the subject of traffic… yes it sucks… I know. I knew that moving down here.

Once again Mr. Smith at work suggests a path home that I had never previously considered. Ok I have nothing to lose but 20 minutes of my life. What the hell.

It’s exactly the same time home as the way I would normally take. Now I don’t have a problem with this what I have a problem with is there is no way for me accurately measure traffic on routes A and B. Then make a comparison between the two mean while factoring in things like special events (Barrett Jackson 2 weeks ago and the FBR open this week) or the weather (anyone who’s ever driven in Phoenix knows that the locals have no clue what to do when it starts raining down here).

Nothing pisses me off more then having two things to compare and not having a solid way to compare them.

Of course I have never done anything like that before so why start now?

I’m feeling in between

Logging into blogger this evening I notice that it is no longer in “beta” status… I think that this is a first for a Google application. Even more importantly I think that this is the first time that a product from google has gone through a entire life cycle. What will happen next? Gmail will actually become stable and not lose 50 messages out of the 5 trillion a day it receives? Oh MY! Google products will work across multiple platforms and web browsers and it will all work exactly the same!

I mean it’s like someone came along and created a set of standards and then someone else came along and followed those standards and didn’t try to create their own.

Of course I’ve been under the weather this weekend and broke from my normal no meds policy and did shot of nyQuill at midnight two nights ago… so that may be influencing this post. Then again so may the have drunk high ball of CC&7 sitting next to me.

What Tom’s not drinking beer? First Google brings a product out of beta and then Tom isn’t drinking a beer when he posts? The next thing I will be telling you is I found a woman!

Sadly somethings just don’t change with me.

So with it being the new year I’m supposed to make a new years resolution. Why do I need to make it on January 1? Why can’t I make it on April 1? Other then it being on April Fools? Yes it would still count. Anyway my point is you shouldn’t use the first of the year as a excuse to make a resolution to do something. Take me for instance. I swore off soda at home in March! I resolved to leave Kingman in April!! I vowed to start going to the gym in August!!! OK two out of three aint bad… Gosh I miss coke at home.

Ok now that I’ve beaten that horse .

I wish all of my loyal readers, which the latest nielsen ratings have come in and it says that my readership is up to 3.4 people with a .00000000000000000000001 market share! A happy and healthy new year and may my little corner of the intertube bring some light into your day at one point or another. And who knows maybe just maybe you will be apart of some tale of mine that gets it’s own movie like name.

I’m trying to read your mind…

So the next time your in Missoula Montana you really need to pick up some “Moose Drool Beer” it’s a brown ale so those of you who aren’t into beers that aren’t bud, miller, or coors keep on walking. Or if your Nancy and don’t drink beer… well I can’t help that your Nancy. So for those of you who are not Nancy and aren’t afraid to be adventurous with your beer drinking then I highly suggest the Moose Drool. And if you don’t make it back to Canada Jr. that often just do what I do… Watch C/E’s cat and they bring your beer!

I’m simple really I am… beer and food and I’m a happy camper… that probally explains why certain friends can’t seem to get rid of me.

So with it being less then 2 weeks to Xmas 2006 (gentlemen start your engines!!!) I’m starting to receive Xmas cards. I always enjoy them simply because I look to see who actually address them to “Tom” or “You and your family” or some such plural thing. Pretty consistently the same 3 people send me a card addressed to “Tom” the rest do the plural thing….

Right now Kristi is wondering if she addressed the card to “Tom” or to a plural of people… Kristi I’m happy to report that you addressed the card correctly.

I’m keeping my eye on the rest of you.

Speaking of Xmas cards… every year at about December 20th I think I should really send out cards. However 2 things stop me from this every year.
1. I can’t find the card of Santa taking a shit down the chimney with a caption that says “How you know you’ve been really bad this year”. To much happiness needs to be tempered with some smart assness every now and again.

2. Everyone I would send a card to I actually see over the holidays except for like 2 people. And honestly I don’t think that they would care.

My toilet keeps filling… I just discovered two things…

1. The bleach tablet is getting in the way of the valve.

2. I have a big brick in there. (How did I not notice that beforehand?)

Now I know I live in a desert but I don’t think I’m conserving water if it takes me two sometimes three flushes to to get the toilet completely cleared.

Speaking of things in the toilet…

At some point on Friday the conversation with the file room girls, or as Eve (the woman not the game) calls them “file room wenches”, to my personal life and my lack of a s/o which to me is not a huge deal. When I started my tale the tall file room wench (Laura) “yes we know that you hate women and we’ve heard this story before”. Which tells me 2 things (damn what is it with the 2 thing tonight?)

1. I need to not tell that story any more.

2. How come after three years I still bring her up?

I mean honestly it’s been 3 damn years. Why she still comes up I don’t know. So from here on out I will not bring what’s her face up in conversation because according to Laura (the tall one) and Izzy (the hot one) of the file room wenchdom “yes we know you hate women”

I don’t hate women… they just never give me a chance to show them how much I can love them 😉

I can see things I know I shouldn’t…

So the Cardinals are finally 2-8…. I guess a win is a win even if it is the Lions. I remember starting the season out with hopes of 7-9 maybe just maybe 8-8. Right now I’m hoping from for 4-12 and new offensive line in the spring from the draft bunny.

And so goes the life of a Cardinals fan…

So in your surfing of the intertubes and the intertube known as the Discovery Channel. There is a excellent program on modern day Iran. It’s really good and in my mind it was presented in a fair and balanced way. But not in the way of a certain 24 hour news network who’s mantra is “Fair and Balanced”. It was done by Ted Koppell so you know it’s quality.

E will like it if anyone gets through the first 20 minutes I will be impressed.

So who turned on the Christmas switch? Saturday afternoon not a sign of Christmas anywhere Sunday afternoon fucking Christmas carols at wally world and neighbors are starting to put up lights.

I wonder if I can find a “Bah Humbug” sign for the front yard.

Why it’s Wii-tastic!

So the Nintendo Wii is released tomorrow. Which means that age old tradition of gamers the world over is in progress tonight.

The camp at the store to wait for th system. Having never witnessed this before I decided to take a jaunt this evening and see what kind of people camp for a video game system.

In a word… “goth-tastic” Actually I should go easy on them since only a few short years ago I would have been there with them.

Me I’m much to patient to wait for something over night…. nice oxymoron huh?

Any way kudos to the folks in front of Wal-mart who had a tv with them and were playing what looked to be either the original Mario or Super Mario 3. Either way they win my vote for the most dedicated Nintendo player of the year.

As for me. Well I’m waiting for the Costco super pack.

Now tell me what you saw…

Two things occoured today that I feel are worthy of writing… 1 event questioned one of the very tenets of my conscious eating. The other one told me a little bit more about a large American company.

This post will also come very close the no talk of work policy I have but both of these revelations happened during lunch. So they don’t count.

I made the rule I can make the exceptions.

1. A manager from our PACS vendor showed up today to get feedback from our docs. Now what happens when you have a vendor show up? Thats right kids FREE LUNCH!!! While this dude and my cohorts in crime were talking I noticed that everyone had run into him at one time or another at a bar of one sort of another. Never a golf course, conference, restaurant… a bar every story I heard. So I got to thinking and all good stories with this vendor generally have something to do with a bar.

Hmmm I think I like our PACS vendor.

2. I have found a Mexican restaurant that violates the law of Mexican restaurants. i.e the nicer the Mexican joint the crappier the food. This was actually a pretty decent joint and had really good food!

Of course E will never eat there… everything was drowning in cheese.