After dinner….

Me – Wow I never noticed this before but there’s the date when my grand parents started the insurance policy in Kingman back in in the 60’s on my proof of insuran….

R – I’ve only got 20 minutes of quality Mario Kart time before my show hand me the remote…

Me – Oh yeah huh….

R – Babe I’m a woman I can multi-task

Me – But don’t you want to hear my story about how my grandparents met the familie’s orginal insurance agent

Blackhole sun, won’t you come?

Soundgarden was a great band, but you really have to wonder about what kinds of drugs they were on. You know between the lyrics and the Iron Butterfly esque guitar solos, I would be willing to bet it was a great live show.

As all of 3.2957838 (<– almost to 3.3 loyal readers!) know in addition to thinking that Soundgarden was the best band to come out of Seattle in the 90’s I’m a pretty big Pearl Jam fan. So when Eddie Vedder comes out with what is basically a solo album I take notice. The rub is the “solo album” is actually the soundtrack to the movie “Into the Wild”. OK Eddie did a movie soundtrack so I go and read about the movie. This guy gives up all of his worldly possessions for a life as free of trappings of modern life where he eventually ends up in the Alaska wilderness living off the land. Which appeals to me because I’ve always had this desire in the back of my mind to drop off of the grid totally and disappear. Problem is the only person who would notice would be Kristina since there would be leftovers and beer for Curtis all of a sudden.

And how did I know all of this about a movie that I hadn’t heard of up until two weeks ago? Why Cody of course! So Cody and I go see “Into the Wild” at what I call a “Art Theater” because it’s the first theater I’ve been to in Phoenix that has less then 20 screens (it only had four?!). Of course when you goto the movies they have the commercials before the movie now instead of just the trailers… don’t get me started on commercials before movies that is another rant in of itself. The last set of commercials are for Team Fortress 2!!! It’s a fucking brilliant commercial (click the link to see them all, the one that was in the theater was the “Meet the Heavy”) I thought it was a brilliant commercial.

So the movie finishes which was also excellent you need to go see it! And I’m looking at all of the people in the theater… Cody and I are the youngest ones in their. Wow they must have been really annoyed by the Team Fortress commercial. It’s a great commercial from a gamers perspective but if your not a gamer (Cody) then I can understand your annoyance.

So as a somewhat direct result of that commercial I purchased the Orange Box and have been playing Team Fortress 2 on and off all weekend. Holy cow that game is fun!!

So looking back at the title of the post it is rather true, because Team Fortress is a “Black Hole Sun”.

And oh yeah to top off a great weekend the Cardinals offed the Steelers!

Somewhere between Azeroth and Endor….

Not to long ago Curtis and I were talking about gaming, as we often do. The topic turned to MMO’s (massive multiplayer online) games that we both play. We were lamenting the fact that our team in Eve was dying and both of us are loathe to seek out another group to run with since we both truly enjoy the community that we are apart of in Eve. The conversation quickly turned to another topic soon thereafter… I believe the topic of discussion was whether to see the dancing penguin movie or Bond. Lets just say that I will never look at penguins in the same way again.

So while sitting in the dancing penguin movie (which btw wasn’t that bad) I got to thinking about EVE, Planet Side, and Star Wars Galaxies. EVE has been my game of choice for the last 2+ years now it’s large it’s complex there are many many many aspects. I’ve always had a blast in EVE.

Planet Side was never really more then a diversion… you know like a ex-girlfriend that comes back into your life. You two keep each other around just long enough to remember why you are exes in the first place.

Star Wars Galaxies was my first MMO and is still the only one where I litterally lost track of time when I played it. More then once did I play for 12 or 14 hours. And for a while there SWG was all that I did. I chalk alot of that up to shit going on in my personal life that I didn’t want to deal with though.

So as I watched the dancing penguin movie and watched genitalia inter cut with the dancing penguins flash across the screen I came to a thought.

EVE is a good game but I really want something that isn’t quite so deep. Something a bit lighter and easier on the old gaming pallet. At the very least something that is matured to a point where a newb can have a good base of more experienced players to work with.

With that thought the seed was planted… and now against every fiber of my being… I’m dealing with damned dirty fairies and elves…


Why it’s Wii-tastic!

So the Nintendo Wii is released tomorrow. Which means that age old tradition of gamers the world over is in progress tonight.

The camp at the store to wait for th system. Having never witnessed this before I decided to take a jaunt this evening and see what kind of people camp for a video game system.

In a word… “goth-tastic” Actually I should go easy on them since only a few short years ago I would have been there with them.

Me I’m much to patient to wait for something over night…. nice oxymoron huh?

Any way kudos to the folks in front of Wal-mart who had a tv with them and were playing what looked to be either the original Mario or Super Mario 3. Either way they win my vote for the most dedicated Nintendo player of the year.

As for me. Well I’m waiting for the Costco super pack.