It’s a good day to fly away…

So in my adventures at work occasionally something cool happens like, my partner in crime at work and I get tickets to the spring training game going on across the street from work simply because it’s a Monday and we are the first ones to say yes. Now a event like this doesn’t happen often and when it does I must gloat (as I know any number of my “friends” would do) to the schmucks still at work in their offices.

First the picture I sent… and then a selection of txt responses I got… Sans name first person to figure out who sent what gets a six pack of Nilla Wafers and first hit off the next keg of homebrew.

For context here is the message that went with my picture…

Subject: God I hate my life;
My asshole boss gave me tickets to a spring training and told me to go… the ass!

And now for the contestants….

“Gloater…I hope you choke on your fried Twinkie”(This one is my personal favorite.)

“That son of a bitch. Next time you should snub him by giving the tickets to me”

“What a douche…and I’m not sure I mean your boss”

“Poor thing”

“Ahh so jealous!”

To know me and to know my friends is to know sarcasm at it’s highest form.

*alot of mumbling*

Soundgarden is playing right now… and well lets just say I’ve never realized how much Chris Cornell mumbles…. I also never noticed how many times I’ve used one particular Soundgarden song… So yeah… might be time to start broadening my musical horizons or start drilling deeper into the stuff I have.

On “House” tonight the patient of the week was a blogger who wrote EVERYTHING on their blog… except about her bowel movements.

This is the point where I was planning on describing in detail the various types of bowel movements I experince…. lets just say lack of beer and some pretty decent judgment has kept me from doing that…

Your welcome, though if you really want to hear about bowel movements you may want to check in with the deathbyblog crowd… I hear the youngest member has a .44 caliber diaper…..

That is not something I want to face… ever.

All I see are Blue People(ish)….

I’m pretty sure there were a few people who turned blue at some point today when the Cardinals tried to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again. My own personal musings are minor in the whole scheme of things, but seriously how do you blow a 17 point half time lead to a touchdown by the end of the game against the Lions?

I mean this is a match up I’ve written about in the past and used as a measuring stick of progress… I quote from December 8, 2002

The Lions played the Cardinals this week… the Cardinals won in Overtime… the fact the Cardinals won is a miracle… but it is only a minor miracle since they beat the Lions… The only team worse then the Cardinals.

The good news is there are now a couple of teams worse then the Cardinals. One of those teams even promised to “unleash hell in December” out side of a nice 2 minute drive not much hell has been unleashed. And the only reason I’m bringing up Black Jesus and company is I’m trying to goad a certain other blogger into posting her closet support for the Cards… Obviously she is above such trickery or she just doesn’t care. My money is on the second one.

Ok off of the football topic, I like talking about it but it’s not the playoffs and today’s win was ugly.

Don, Curtis, and I did a batch of home-brew last week. The good news is it wasn’t awful when I put into the keg yesterday. The bad news is there is still 6 weeks until it’s tapped for the Superbowl. Crap there is that football topic again.

I think I may have a new favorite topic… I wonder how much my posting is going to drop after football season?

Happy nine years of content…

I knew they were dim….

But after reading this tidbit of information, I think I may have to lower the standing of a certain team from Pittsburgh even lower

Further information: National Football League Cheerleading

Almost every NFL team, with the exception of the

Pittsburgh Steelers, Cleveland Browns, Green Bay Packers, Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, and New York Giants, is supported by a professional cheerleading squad who attend games and promote the team.

Orginal Article…

At least my team has Cheerleaders…

Cardinals Cheerleaders

From me coming to you “Steelers” is a four letter word…

It’s just past 24 hours since YOUR ARIZONA CARDINALS and that other team advanced to the Superbowl.  And as expected I’ve already several articles calling the Cardinals the worst Superbowl team ever.

Wow don’t let the Cardinals fans enjoy a moment or two in the sun before you begin shooting holes into our miracle season.

Sorry, I can’t contain myself.   I would like to read just one article that was up on the Cardinals that didn’t involve how great Fitzgerald was or the second coming of Warner… Though I never get tired of reading the articles about how great Fitzgerald is and how the second coming of Warner is out of now where.

Actually as I look over Sports Illustrated again… I’m seeing a fair number of of articles painting the Cardinals as the underdogs with a chance.  So maybe I should just cool it… you know I’m kind of hot blooded

OK so yeah….

Expect a fair amount of trash talking between me and another certain Steelers fan… I feel that I’ve earned it even if it’s only for two weeks and the Cardinals do have to go up against a defense that makes the Iron Curtain look warm and inviting.

Hopefully the oppostion will take it easy on us lowly Cardinals fans….

We’ve never gotten to trash talk a good team before…

Wait… we did beat the Cowboys when they were still supposed to be here 🙂