Lights Make Monkey Happy….

Alright here is the setup…. When I was in Kingman I had a workstation light that I kept on the top of my monitor to illuminate my desk. Why did I have this you ask? Simple there was no light in the room. It was a nifty Eclipse Computer Light that I picked up from Thinkgeek and damn did that thing rock. Sadly I had to retire it to my desk instead of monitor in 2004 after I picked up my first flat panel monitor. You know flat panel being flat and all I really couldn’t fit it on there anymore.

So that was December of 2004 and in July 2005 I left Kingman. In October of 2005 I moved into my current house. And along with me came the eclipse light. When I got the new office setup I had a dimmer switch on my lights so I figured that I wouldn’t need the eclipse light anymore.

And for the better part of 2 years that is what I did. Then my bulbs burned out… DAMN YOU KHAN!!! (I always blame Khan for my light bulbs burning out… mainly because he’s evil like that). So I do what any somewhat socially conscious person would do I head to wal-mart and purchase some Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (Notice that I said somewhat socially conscious, if I were truly socially conscious I would have gone some place else… but that is a rant for another time). I bring home the new environmentally friendly light bulbs and duly do not install them for 2 weeks…

Finally the darkness starts to annoy me and I install the lights… much to my disappointment in my dimmer they have two settings… On and Off… it’s a binary state like Drunk and Not Drunk…. I’m not pleased by my new highly illuminated surroundings. So enter my eclipse light… not only does it fit on my Dell Monitor it fit’s PERFECTLY!

Yes I know it’s sad when the best thing in a week that I have to blog about is my Eclipse Light… but hey at least you get a nifty picture out of it!

The shape of things to come…

Driving home from work I saw a interesting sight. It was a repo truck for other cars and the license plate was “UBWALKN”. Great just what the world needs repo guys with a sense of humor. Next thing you know there will be bloggers out there talking about things like the license plate they saw on the drive home from work… oh wait….

So yeah…. about that those bloggers great people eh?

Ok time to move on. So with my moving from a Dell PDA back to Palm I’m once again free from the tryanny of Outlook (at home). I also have a PDA for sell if anyone is interested. Actually for the record just about everything I have is for sale. That is just the kind of guy that I am.

Anyway I’m free from Outlook since I’m only syncing my calendar with the Treo and can do that with Palm Desktop. Sweet I finally have a thrown free all of my bonds from the Windows Platform!

OH look a shackle with a large lock that’s got alot of gum in the key hole… oh yes gaming my Achilles heal.


I have considered going back to Thunderbird but honestly I just don’t like it’s interface very much and I find it’s database system to be more susceptible to corruption then Outlook. I know Mr. Open Source likes a Microsoft product. Yeah I know let me turn in my geek cred badge at the door.

Then again when your into Linux you run into these type of things all of the time. You know the idealouges who want to a “perfect open source system” and the cold harsh reality of “the business world

Hmmm maybe I need to find a woman who apperciates the term “free as in beer or free as in speech

Play us a song young piano man…

Photographic evidence from trip #3 to Milwaukee…. went on “safari” in downtown Milwaukee on the River Walk with people from the class… Here are the highlights in pictures.

Here we have a picture of Dr. Franklin (this one is for Kristi and Matt) from a place called the “Safe House”. Interesting place… next time you see me have me talk about it. Other notables on the wall of Celebrity’s at this place. Anthony Daniels (C3PO) and two of the three “Lone Gunmen” (that one is for Curtis).

And because no trip is WI is complete with out some sort of cheese like product…..

And the last two were on the out side of this bar on the River Walk… Ironically I did not have Guinness instead I had Smithwicks.

Putting in my time Tom style.

Getting mytruck serviced is always an adventure for me. Most of this stems from the fact that I am car idiot and I know it. I’m fine with this, the part that gives me heart burn is getting the service estimate.

Do I really need the super-dura tess synthetic tire oil?

Going to get my car serviced reminds me that computer geeks aren’t the only people with their own freaking language.

On the bright side the dealership I go to has a REALLY NICE LOUNGE so the wait isn’t as bad as it used to be. I mean it has a wifi connection for you to use if you have a laptop with you. And well since I do travel with a Treo these days a laptop isn’t that far fetched of a concept. Now if only my laptop could play supreme commander