Cinderlla man doing what you can…

Good luck figuring out what song that title came from… if you get the band I will be immpressed if you get the band and song there’s a bottle of Whiskey and Box of Nilla Wafers for the winner.

It should also be noted the lyrics are what I’m hearing at 1/2 volume on my Mac… So open up your song lyric filters just a bit.

I wonder if Angels are on salary or are hourly?  You know just one of those thoughts… maybe they are like clergy and dedicated to their life and don’t recieve any kind of pay per se…. it’s worth thinking about.  You never know when you will run into a homicidal angel that’s been trapped in Wisconsin for a millenia or two.

Hell I was ready to go biblical on someone after a week in Milwaukee.

So for long time readers you know I have a mostly rigid policy of not talking about work… well tonight the curtain gets pulled back briefly and open up a new avenue of total and utter crap that no one but myself will care about.

I got business cards this week… I’ve been in my “carreer” for 8 years now and I never had business cards before this week.  I know it doesn’t seem like a big deal to most of you, but to me it’s a moment… it means I can finally leave my laptop at my damn desk and not be worried that I will need to give someone my contact info.   Yes these are the things I worry about at work because it’s just about the only thing that I can control.

And now the work curtain goes back up, pay no attention to the person pulling the strings behind the curtain.

Moving on, it’s October in Phoenix which means two things… first I have a green lawn again since I put in my winter lawn and it took right away.  Second it means it’s finally cool enough at night to sit on the back porch with a whiskey drink and a laptop and blog away.

Not that I have anything to say… other then the genius playlist that I have going right now is utter crap.  Oh wait it just turned to U2 from 1992… Ah Jr. High… The school sucked but the music was good.

I dont know if other people do this or not but I use Jr. High as the touchstone of adolescence but it’s also a marker for alot of other things too.  Like when I discovered U2 with Achtung Baby (Mysterious Ways was the song… I drove my parents crazy with that CD) my 8th grade English and History teachers who would let us watch MTV or the Price is Right in class…. The English teacher was a new grad hired in the middle of the year and I was transfered into her class along with 25 other unruly 13 and 14 year olds… She couldn’t have been more then 23 at the time.   She was probally more intersted in watching MTV then teaching us anyway.  The history teacher just didn’t care, we were her only class that was Special ED.   I knew it was bad when I knew more about the state of Arizona and WW2 Battles then here at 13 years old.   Mind you this is 1992/1993 so it’s before the Internet and History channel in Kingman.  So everything I knew came from whatever I saw on the Discovery Channel and PBS along with whatever books the grandfathers had given me.

Now that I have the old memory bank juices flowing (not that a little bit of whiskey doesnt help the process a bit) what other things stand out in my mind about the 1991/1993 time frame?

-Dr. Dre and Snoop Dog… see the part about the 23 year old english teacher and MTV…. granted this is when MTV played videos.

-Finding 120 Minutes in the summer between years at Jr. High.  Midnights on Sunday on again MTV… That was the first place I saw a Sonic Youth or Suzanne Vega video… Lots of good “alternative” music from back in the day… mostly from bands that were never heard from again.

-Bill Clinton… being fully aware of and actually paying attention to a full election cycle… I’m sure that damaged me in more then a few ways.

-Whoop there it is… again MTV… I hold alot of disdain for MTV now but back in the day it was the only way I could get music that wasn’t top 40 or country.  Just remember I was in Kingman the fact we had a half way decent cable system was a small miracle.

-Windows 3.1… My in depth experince with a GUI “OS” I didn’t know it at the time but it was the start of something evil.  The school was still using Apple II’s w/ a green screen.   I didn’t use a Dos/Windows PC until I was a Junior in High School.   Also my first WTF is that thing expsoure to a floppy disk…

-Yugoslovia… being aware of a war that didn’t have clearly defined combatants and no easy answers.

-World Cup… watching a world cup for the first time and soccer becoming something other then the sport I played on Saturday Mornings in the fall.

Yes it was a momentous time… and it would seem that the bits that remain with me through the clouds of time and whiskey are the ones revoling around music and boobs….. And wouldn’t you know it those are two of my favorite things today too.