Caution “Danger Lager” ahead….

The latest creation(ish) from your top 5 favorite home brewer is “Danger Lager” originally called “Max’s Danger Lager” but I decided to change the name since I probably shouldn’t be promoting a cute little baby to drink.. though I openly encourage his parents.


So what’s it taste like? Well it’s got a sweet start and and has hints of alot of things… amongst six taste testers I got six different responses, the one thing they all said…. It lacked the distinctive bite of usual home-brew (I’ve been trying to get rid of that bite for a while now). And as Don said… “This is a beer you could sell” well that was nice of him.

Basic components of the “Danger Lager”? A kit from my new favorite brew shop “Brew your own brew” It was originally a Golden Ale kit, but instead of a ale yeast I swapped out to a lager yeast. I also made a few other modifications to the recipie but it’s still really hard to screw up a kit home brew beer.

Why call it “Danger Lager”? Well other then being a cool name, well it kind of sneaks up on you and can kick your ass.

One thought on “Caution “Danger Lager” ahead….”

  1. Nice looking brew in a nice looking glass.
    I approve of this image.
    I also approve of this recipe. I say we put it on the top of the “Keeper List” and see if we can duplicate the results.

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