House of the holy….

Three days back from conferences with people who do the same thing that I do and what do I have to show for it?

A smoking credit card and a severe “Sweetwater” withdrawal later I’m home.

Nothing much changed… most of the stuff left on the counter is still there, the bedroom and office are both still disasters, the grass is a little longer, and finally I still have no beer.  So par for the course on the home front.

On the work front there was only one cataclysmic event, my partner in crime at work switched from drinking a Monster Energy drink every morning to drinking coffee… actually two cups of coffee every morning.   In the 4 years I’ve worked with him I would have never seen this coming in a million years.  I guess it only took 4.

Of course this has led to a series of discussions about coffee in the work place.   Now both of us are damned cheap so we won’t be taking the Curtis solution to our work time coffee fix. So this change of events has led to a series of discussions but the most surreal of which is the following….

N – So which coffee is better the stuff upstairs or downstairs?

T – Well it depends if you want to use the good bottle water go with the upstairs stuff but there is no sink so telling how long since the coffee pot was last emptied.  Downstairs has a sink but all it has is a charcoal filter that hasn’t been replaced in 3 years.   It’s all about the water here since the coffee is the same crap upstairs and downstairs.

N – huh?

T – The coffee here is all about quantity not quality.

N – Oh ok…. so upstairs or downstairs?

T – Downstairs the coffee is better.

So needless to say not only do I cover beer but I guess I’m going to have to bone up on my minutia of coffee detail.

Easier said then done since I like Folgers….