Star Trek movies have a rule that they are pretty good on following… the odd movies are bad(ish) the even movies are good(ish)… The 4 Next Generation movies were able to pretty much kill that streak (they were 3 bad to 1 really good one).

In the past I have measured my like/dislike of a Star Trek film based on my reaction the first time I watch it at home with no one around. I knew that “First Contact” benefited way to much from the big screen when I watched it at home and wasn’t nearly as interested as I had been in the theaters 6 months earlier.

JJ Abrahams must have done multiple things right… not only did I purchase Star Trek the day it came out, but when I watched it at home I have the same feeling at the end of movie as I did when I saw it in the theater. I once again state…. “Star Trek has no business being this good”

Extra Geek cred for the following…
Where is Paul McGillion (aka if you don’t know where he is from you can’t play)
Where is Wil Wheaton? (aka you have to look very hard)