And they called it the “Aluminum Falcon”??

Simple pleasures in life for me really….

Weekends on call that don’t have many calls…

Playing video games… seeing movies that any other time of the year wouldn’t make 20 million make 57 million in a weekend.

Selling a house and finally being back to one house payment… (<— honestly how often does that happen?)

Yes it’s been a good weekend.

Of course the first thing I did when I sold the house was to buy a new laptop…. and not just any laptop a Macbook Pro…

Wait why did he buy a Macbook Pro? He is the “PC’ in those commercials!

Yes I know… honestly though this thing rocks.

It has everything that my Linux boxes have but with the stupid ease of Windows!

It doesn’t help that I’ve wanted a high end Mac Laptop since I laid my hands on the first PowerPC G3 Powerbooks almost 10 years ago.

I do have a few comments that are just apart of the learning curve but I thought I would share with the reading public that doesn’t get to see me at least once a week.

1. When I bought the Mac the sales guy at the Apple store was chatting with me (you know sales guy chat) wondering why I wanted such a beast of a computer… I told him I was a gamer and IT guy next words out of the sales guy mouth “Please tell me you aren’t going to install Windows”

Windows wasn’t the first thing I installed (that honor went to Firefox) but it was the first project. So far I haven’t booted into Windows unless I’m playing a game and since I’ve only got two installed it’s not much that I’ve been in Windows.

2. What is up with these keyboard short cuts?

Honestly what is up with these keyboard short cuts? It looks like a gate address from a episode of Stargate.

With the exception of the first symbol I have found all of the corresponding keys.

Also for future refrence the up arrow is “Shift” no the up arrow key…

3. And I thought Linux programs were tounge in cheek….

OK I’m a I.T. guy… And their are certain programs that I just always use one of them is “VNC” it’s small, stable, very robust, and about as close to a universal application is it comes to for systems management.

There are a few others but VNC is the only that I always load up. My first couple of searche kept turning up commercial applications that are VNC compatiable. That’s nice folks but along with being a I.T. guy I’m also a tightwad (except in matters of hardware). It took a little bit of doing but I found “Chicken of the VNC”

Come on how could you not like a platform that has a application name like that?

And the name of this computer? The “Aluminum Falcon” of course! (click on the link to get the joke)

Providence Dogs

Hmmm time to get ready for the trip to Providence for my confrence….

15 Episodes of Star Trek DS9 ripped from DVD and ready to be transferred to laptop?


Clothes washed and to a point of being able to be packed?


Cell phone updated with latest PRL?


Requisite freak out and anxiety attack over every little detail that is not with in my control?

Check and still in progress!

yep I’m gonna have fun with this one…

Like Suicide (Acoustic Version)

I’m a pretty big Soundgarden fan.

Now I’m not the worlds greatest Soundgarden fan, I’m not a “back in the day before they blew up Soundgarden fan”, I’m not “crazy about Chris Cornell like some people I know are about Kurt Cobain Soundgarden fan”

I’m just a pretty big Soundgarden fan. To the point that of the 90’s rock bands that came from Seattle Soundgarden is my favorite of these bands (though Pearl Jam does rock Eddie and CO can’t hold a candle to Soundgarden).

So you now have my thoughts on Soundgarden and how they rock.

The only people who rock harder then Soundgarden is Tenacious D.

So for whatever reasons I was looking through iTunes this evening and found an acoustic song of my favorite Soundgarden song.

“Like Suicide”

It was never released as a single and is 7+ minutes long. If you’ve known me for any amount of time then you know that a song must be at least 7 minutes and feature generous amounts of high minded guitar playing (thank you Kim Thayll)

And yes “Like Suicide (Acoustic Version)” I would highly recommend it for anyone who has ever listened to music.

Except for Curtis, he doesn’t like Chris Cornell…

And before you say I should get some newer music I would like to point out that there has been no real music of note that has come out in the last 10 years that I haven’t already talked about.

“Premium” cable shows and you…

Fucking Cody….

Fucking Little Brother….

It’s not often that friends inspire ire in me, when they do it is worthy of blogging. The last person who got this kind of treatment was Curtis with SEVEN SEASONS OF STARGATE!!

Actually I can’t blame Cody all he did was say how much he liked “Entourage” which is even more impressive because Cody gave up TV a year ago. Which leads me to thing that Cody has pulled a “Hoff” with regards to TV and non sporting type events.

No No the real enabler in this whole scam is my brother who gave me two and a half seasons of “Entourage” to watch (for some reason the producers of Entourage put the second half of season 3 on a separate DVD set did I mention how much that annoyed me with Battlestar Galactica?). So to you little brother I say thanks a fucking lot… now I have to go spend the extra money on my cable get HBO so I can get my Entourage fix in a somewhat timely manner.

Ok now undoubtedly you the loyal reader of 5 years (Curtis) why don’t I bit torrent them. Well Curtis we have already had this discussion but for those of you who weren’t there who were there but didn’t listen and just heard alot of “beeps” “bops” and “boops”. Downloading TV shows is something of a legal grey area… I’m already paying for cable and so the show has already been sent to my house I just missed it. There are some schools of thought that think of the internet as a giant TIVO. So while yes you are in the wrong for downloading a TV show you’ve already received the content. Now HBO is a little different, if you aren’t paying for HBO you are defiantly in the wrong if you download one of their shows.

So hence my dilemma… of course I could just wait for Scott to keep buying the DVD’s but honestly I don’t know if I want to wait that long.

And in the interest of full disclosure yes I have downloaded TV shows… I dare you to find someone under the age of 35 who’s used a computer for more then a Day and hasn’t downloaded a TV Show.