Peace in the pasture my ass…

Swung by the grocery store this evening on the way home… had to pick up a few essentials you know beer, milk, more beer.

So I’m wandering through Safeway towards the milk and I go for the half gallon of organic that I always buy since I’m trying to healthy and the experation date is 11/18/2007….

5 weeks from now? Wow what is this some sort of super organic milk? I start checking, all of the milk with the same batch code has a experation date of 11/18/2007!

Holy Cow! No really what kind of cows are they getting this from holy cows? So now that I’m curious I look at the regular non organic milk and the best date I can find is 10/27.

I don’t know how they do it but I don’t know how “organic” organic milk really is.