More migration notes… bootcamping

Ok so this one is going to be quick… I got a new mac… yea!

I posted previously on the migration process after a about 24 hours things started to magically get faster, which tends to make me thing there is some sort of background system process running that updates things to the new mac from the old mac. I don’t knot it’s just conjecture or maybe I just need to reboot the damn thing.

I’m thinking I probably needed to reboot the damn thing after dumping some serious knowledge on it.

Ok so if any of you have heard me gripe about my apple store experience in 2007 when I bought my first mac…. you know the story where the dude selling me a very expensive looked down his nose at me and said “windows isn’t going to be the first thing you install is it?” I find that I’m back to a kind of circle of life moment with my mac and windows.

It seems that my upgrade Windows7 that I bought for my old mac is tied to that hardware so I couldn’t use it on the new mac, ok not a huge deal I will use winclone and clone the dmg into the bootcamp partition… yeah that worked not at all. Which left me with… well maybe I can suck up my bootcamp windows into vmware… nope no dice. Honestly after about three hours of dicking around with I decided it wasn’t worth my time.

So now the real question comes out, do I really need to bootcamp my mac? Part of me says yes I do! Then the rational side of me kicks in, 95% of the time when I booted into windows was only to download updates and that was a bit of a pain. I can’t say that I have any real intentions of using this mac as a gaming rig… ok I do have steam on it and compared to my old mac Left4Dead is pretty sweet. When it comes to gaming though at least the kind of gaming I do the PC is the platform of choice. Yes mac are starting to do games, here is the other side of that coin I have no real desire to build a new PC other then my CPU is getting to be a bit long in the tooth. The GPU isn’t far behind.

From a overall perspective what I would like to do is move off of the PC entirely and run all of my media on a apple platform… that however seems kind of expensive but man that shit would work. I can say from a IT guy perspective it’s in my best interest to be familiar with all platforms out there so I guess I will be keeping my PC around even if it is just for gaming and looking for aliens.

It feels like I’m losing touch….

So it’s been a while since I wrote about the journey that is my homebrewing experince…. and well there is a good reason I haven’t written about it.

I’ve been in something of a rut with home brewing over the last 18 months or so… process is down to the point that I can teach someone (as has been done multiple times) but for the most part I stick to kits which have the same basic process.

Heat to 155 for 30 with grains
bring to boil and cut heat
add malt
bring back to rolling boil
add hops at specified intervals
place in carboy and pitch yeast.

It’s really pretty hard to screw it… you actually have to try. I’ve kicked around going to a all grain setup, but that seems to involve a bit more work then I really want to put into the hobby / I’m afraid of the dark path that will lead me down (NASCAR isn’t bad enough).

So with a somewhat heavy heart I must break with my Ale brewing roots….

I must purse “MAXimum danger” I must brew a LAGER! *queue ominous music*

Honestly the brew process isn’t that different… actually it’s the same damn kit just with Lager yeast instead of Ale yeast. What’s the biggest difference you ask? Well temperature is the biggest place Ale’s are are 65F to 72F where Lagers like to be between 50F and 56F. It’s a smaller window but doable, the bigger issue is finding a space in Arizona to accommodate that… turns out if you don’t have a digital control on your fridge the minimum temperature is 42 degrees. I did not know that until this weekend.

So with all of this written the brew is in the cooler the temperature stable at 54 degrees and me left contemplating a name….

I’m thinking “Max’s danger lager” is a good name….

It will have a picture of Curtis’s beard on the label.