In my eyes… in disposed… in my disguise no one knows.

Everyone is very much into saving money these days… something about it being a down economy and wanting to not lose a house… I don’t understand it’s all just the kingdom of stuff and a credit score. But that is just me and as we have clearly established by almost 10 years of drivel (wow has it been almost 10 years?) I’m far far far from the norm and should not be considered a baseline.

With that being said one of the more things I find very interesting in how my friends perceive wealth. I’m talking not just money, but the other things in that make up a person’s little corner of the universe. Over the course of the last decade or so I’ve observed that for the most part that my perception of wealth has changed greatly. Once based entirely on amount of income and slowly but surely migrating to breadth of experince in life and not based at all on income. Don’t get me wrong, income helps but only so far as putting together the next trip to wherever. I don’t know where this shift originated from, I do know that it seems to be one extreme or the other with me (i.e. obsessed with the bank account bottom line or could care less).

So here is my question… is saving already built into the monthly budget or are you planning on having your spawn take care of you?