Tom… in North Carolina… A Match Made in Heaven?

So I’ve talked at length over the last 10 years or so about my love of participating in all things redneck… you know the little things in life.

Beer Brewing



And not quite redneck but I’ve also talked about football at various points.  Pretty much everything under the sun.

I’m in Charlotte for a conference and I knew it was NASCAR country  but I had no idea….

I turned on the evening news and about half way through the news cast they talked about a NASCAR driver who’s been suspended and getting his mansion forclosed on.  And when they hit sports the lead story was a NASCAR story, a couple of local sports stories, and another NASCAR story.

And on top of that my hotel room is across the street from NASCAR headquaters!

How cool is that?!?

Oh and I can see the “Bank of America” stadium home of the Carolina Panthers….

And you know what it still smells of defeat at the hands of a team from Arizona.

Of course I would be all to familiar with the smell of defeat and football.