OH my oh my oh my…. let me tell you about my experince with Windows (Windows XP PRO) and my 200 GB Western Digital Hard-Drive…
I bought a brand new WD 200GB hard drive about a month ago now to do what ever it is that hard drives do… I think their main function in life is to store porn and recipies…. so I gladly filled my WD 200GB with porn and recipies… and then my computer died. A sudden painfull death. So sudden and So painful that I had to send the motherboard and CPU back to get replacements. I got the replacments back and once I got the new stuff working the 200GB HD just stopped working.
And stopped working in not a good way either… so I do up the RMA stuff from Western Digital and today I recieved my new WD 200GB HD… only this one doesn’t work either. It was manufactured on the 21st of September. I tend to think there may be something wrong with my mother board.
So now I’m booted in under LINUX and guess what kids… I can see my HD (which I can do under windows too) however I can also interact with my HD as well (que stunned silence and crickets)
Needless to say I’m a little mad at Micro$oft right now…
notice “l33t” speak… must be the primal script kiddie coming out in me.