Why LINUX is Grand, Windows Sucks, and more music…

OH my oh my oh my…. let me tell you about my experince with Windows (Windows XP PRO) and my 200 GB Western Digital Hard-Drive…

I bought a brand new WD 200GB hard drive about a month ago now to do what ever it is that hard drives do… I think their main function in life is to store porn and recipies…. so I gladly filled my WD 200GB with porn and recipies… and then my computer died. A sudden painfull death. So sudden and So painful that I had to send the motherboard and CPU back to get replacements. I got the replacments back and once I got the new stuff working the 200GB HD just stopped working.

And stopped working in not a good way either… so I do up the RMA stuff from Western Digital and today I recieved my new WD 200GB HD… only this one doesn’t work either. It was manufactured on the 21st of September. I tend to think there may be something wrong with my mother board.

So now I’m booted in under LINUX and guess what kids… I can see my HD (which I can do under windows too) however I can also interact with my HD as well (que stunned silence and crickets)

Needless to say I’m a little mad at Micro$oft right now…

notice “l33t” speak… must be the primal script kiddie coming out in me.