And that’s why they call me Bad Company….

Not only do I drink all your beer and eat all of you food… I blame the tall lanky engineer that is generally with in a seat or two of me either direction.

Ok so last time I posted I was extolled the virtues of how great the iPod Touch w/ Google active sync integration was right? Yeah I’m pretty sure that was me since I’m the only person that writes anything extolling the virtues of Apple devices 6 to 12 months after they have been released.

I would like to amend that statement now. So facebook on the iPod Touch is fully integrated by default with the address book on the iPod Touch which when you have active sync integration turned on (aka exchange integration) your address book is also integrated. Which is fine and all but I’m really one who likes to keep the various pieces parts of my life compartmentalized… if I wanted my facebook to talk to my iPod Touch I would ENABLE IT…. call me old school but when something goes out to talk to another device shouldn’t have to enable that? I don’t know maybe it was there and I just glossed over it but I’m still not real happy with that little snafu.

Ok so why am I not happy with that Snafu? Well there is a picture that I attached to a Outlook contact to a friend back in the days of “Prometheus” (for those of you keeping score at home “Prometheus” was my main computer from 2002 to 2004) Anywhoo that was 2 main computers ago (not including laptops). Well said picture made the transfer to Gmail when I started to migrate my contacts and mail off of Outlook and onto there (so whenever that was…. lets call it the first half of 2007) In October of 2007 I had the great crash of Heretic (Lost the CPU and as it would turn out didn’t exactly have the most complete backup). In that crash I lost a few pictures that hadn’t been uploaded to various websites or services. 99.9% of these pictures were of no great meaning and I could have cared less but this one picture I had picked for my friend and I though fit her perfectly was gone off of my computer but still in my gmail contact. Until last week when the iPod Touch doing what it was told… synced my contacts with facebook and then my contacts synced with Google. Which then destroyed the picture. And it’s gone… am I whining? Yes… why basically because I don’t think that syncing contact pictures is the most efficient method or use of resources… but what do I know I’m just some dude who lost a totally awesome picture for a friend.

As for the other reader who has a facebook… I removed yours from Gmail… I like you gtalk icon way better even if it is a touch weird.

So to sum up… Active Sync integration is still cool… I just wish that I had thought it through a little bit more.