And that’s why they call me Bad Company….

Not only do I drink all your beer and eat all of you food… I blame the tall lanky engineer that is generally with in a seat or two of me either direction.

Ok so last time I posted I was extolled the virtues of how great the iPod Touch w/ Google active sync integration was right? Yeah I’m pretty sure that was me since I’m the only person that writes anything extolling the virtues of Apple devices 6 to 12 months after they have been released.

I would like to amend that statement now. So facebook on the iPod Touch is fully integrated by default with the address book on the iPod Touch which when you have active sync integration turned on (aka exchange integration) your address book is also integrated. Which is fine and all but I’m really one who likes to keep the various pieces parts of my life compartmentalized… if I wanted my facebook to talk to my iPod Touch I would ENABLE IT…. call me old school but when something goes out to talk to another device shouldn’t have to enable that? I don’t know maybe it was there and I just glossed over it but I’m still not real happy with that little snafu.

Ok so why am I not happy with that Snafu? Well there is a picture that I attached to a Outlook contact to a friend back in the days of “Prometheus” (for those of you keeping score at home “Prometheus” was my main computer from 2002 to 2004) Anywhoo that was 2 main computers ago (not including laptops). Well said picture made the transfer to Gmail when I started to migrate my contacts and mail off of Outlook and onto there (so whenever that was…. lets call it the first half of 2007) In October of 2007 I had the great crash of Heretic (Lost the CPU and as it would turn out didn’t exactly have the most complete backup). In that crash I lost a few pictures that hadn’t been uploaded to various websites or services. 99.9% of these pictures were of no great meaning and I could have cared less but this one picture I had picked for my friend and I though fit her perfectly was gone off of my computer but still in my gmail contact. Until last week when the iPod Touch doing what it was told… synced my contacts with facebook and then my contacts synced with Google. Which then destroyed the picture. And it’s gone… am I whining? Yes… why basically because I don’t think that syncing contact pictures is the most efficient method or use of resources… but what do I know I’m just some dude who lost a totally awesome picture for a friend.

As for the other reader who has a facebook… I removed yours from Gmail… I like you gtalk icon way better even if it is a touch weird.

So to sum up… Active Sync integration is still cool… I just wish that I had thought it through a little bit more.

And now another word from a really good bottle of scotch.

So the writers strike, it starting to suck for me… I’m lacking my John Stewart fix. I mean I’m lacking my John Stewart fix to the point that I’m actually watching CNN. It’s kind of weird to watch the news and not have a montage of some sort pop up where people are saying things that are 180 degree’s from what they were just saying.

So this distinct lack of John Stewart pushed me over the edge, what the hell is this strike about?

The internet is a wonderful thing.

I landed on everyone’s favorite Star Trek wonder kid, voice of Aqua Lad and in my world “A” list blogger Wil Wheaton Oh hey he has a couple of links to something called “” WAIT WAIT HE HAS A VIDEO! IT’S FROM THE COLBERT REPORT!!! Oh wait their is no Stephen Colbert, but it’s a writer from the Colbert Report. That is good enough for me.

I watch the video and finally decide I wonder where I go when I click on “

Oh it’s the blog for the writers HEY LOOK MORE NOT JOHN STEWART BUT HIS WRITERS! I got my John Stewart fix finally and then way down at the bottom of the page is a link to a video that talks about what each generation of writers has gone through to get where they are today. It’s actually a start contrast to the John Stewart/Stephen Colbert combo.

I read, I watch, I ponder… I ask “What does Ronald D. Moore think?” I check the blog, nothing there since June, check Wikipedia and BAM! Their is a link to to
and it’s my personal fiction writing hero of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Battlestar Galactica. The blog is new and done in iWeb but it’s Ronald D. Moore uncensored, the only thing better is Ronald D. Moore with a bottle of Scotch, the smoking lamp turned off, and a podcast recording under way.

Cody as a side note, remember the poker table with the midget from the show “Carnival” when we were in Vegas? This is the guy who wrote the first season, he left before the second season to do Battlestar Galactica!

So I’ve read and pondered for a while now, and I’ve come to the conclusion that we should all find a good book/game/hobby and snuggle/curl up/next/to our very bearded/pregnant/sleepy loved ones because this folks is going to a very long haul and we need to do everything to make sure the writers get everything they are asking for.

And for the record yes, I’m a Ronald D. Moore fan boy (didn’t know screen writers had fan boys did you?)

Wind w/ Fire!

So I’ve been dicking around with my Linux server this weekend…

It’s pissing me off.

That is all I will write about Linux… needless to say the thought of lighting several DVD’s on fire to exercise my Linux frustrations is really appealing to me right now.

While dicking around with said Linux box I wandered back to the ole website of long ago ( which really didn’t come into existence until I moved down to Phoenix but for all intents and purposes it’s the same damn sight I had when I was in Kingman and doing this with Frontpage and Geo-cities.

I got to reading the old posts and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed opening up the old semi-journal to random emails from readers (all 3.2 of you). I got to thinking that I should do something like that again… then I thought if Curtis AND my brother both have a blog then there really is no point.

So while my install of CentOS 5 died for the 5th time in a row I was thinking…

Maybe what I should is something along the lines of that post card site where people mail their post cards in anonymously… it’s sometimes a riot other times really sad and typically it’s both on the same day.

So maybe I should open this thing up to a anonymous emails of whatever? (Thanks to Eve who reminded me it’s is what I was thinking of)

I like the idea… and it gives you (all 3.2 of you) a little bit of interactive opportunity.

So here are the rules (I know always rules)

1. Send the email anonymously…. ideally from a one time use site it’s up to you how you want to do it. If your to lazy to do that and send me an email from your regular address that kind of defeats the purpose doesn’t it?

2. Send the email to cignus20 at hotmail dot com use the subject line “Wind w/ Fire!”

3. I will post received emails (if I get any at all) up here…

If you don’t like the rules you don’t have to email.

The golden / red / brown / black rule(s)

Uses for beer… other then drinking it.

If your log-sawing is ripping a hole in your marriage, try this simple remedy: Get a pocket T-shirt and a 6-ounce mini-can of beer. Put the can in the pocket and fasten it closed with a safety pin. Just before you go to bed, put the shirt on backward. Research shows that you’re more likely to snore when resting on your back. This little setup prevents you from rolling over. Plus, come morning, you won’t have to get out of bed for breakfast.

Rinse 1 cup jasmine rice in water. Do it twice more, then drain well. Next, dump the rice into a medium-size pot and add 12 ounces of beer. (A nut-brown ale works well.) Bring the mixture to a boil, turn the heat to low, and cover the pot. Simmer for 20 minutes, then remove from the stove and cool for an additional 10 minutes. The rice won’t be lumpy, and it’ll have a nuttier flavor — just like you after you eat it.

Okay, here’s the scenario. A bit far-fetched, we admit, but look who’s going to be our next president. Let’s say you’re hopelessly lost in the wilderness, and all you have is a can of beer, a sewing needle, a small bowl, and a pair of extra-large silk panties. (Because this is a matter of life and death, the camp counselor should give hers up.) First, open the beer, pour some into the bowl, and let it go flat. (Better drink the rest; this may not work.) Next, magnetize the needle by stroking it repeatedly in one direction with the panties. This will generate a charge of static electricity. Then float the needle in the beer. When it stops, it’ll be pointing in a north-south direction. Now get outta there!

Gather a few empty salsa jars (or similar wide-mouth containers) and fill them a third of the way with cheap beer. Then bury them about 15 feet from your garden, girlfriend, or whatever you’re trying to protect. Make sure the rims are almost level with the soil surface. For some reason, slugs love beer. They’ll find the traps, drop in, and drown. Do this in the evening, let them party all night, and give them an honorable burial in the morning.

As you’ve undoubtedly noticed, beer is a diuretic. It helps flush the kidneys and bladder. This can be beneficial if you’re suffering from a bladder infection or kidney stone. “You can drink water or cranberry juice,” explains Dr. Alexander, “but beer also works. It helps dilate the ureters [the tubes connecting the kidneys and bladder], which may help you pass a stone quicker and easier. Plus, the alcohol will take the edge off the pain.” But don’t drink beer if you’re taking antibiotics or narcotic pain medications. You’ll render the drugs useless and make yourself sick.

Pour some beer on them and wait a few minutes. The carbonation may help break up the rust.

Although certainly not as effective as a real fire extinguisher, a can or bottle of beer can mimic one if none is available. Simply shake and spritz. After all, beer is mostly water. This works on small grill flare-ups, and some people have been known to carry an emergency can in their car in case of engine fire. Or at least that’s what they tell the state troopers.

Instead of sipping a beer, try soaking in it. Pour a bottle of German Badebier in the tub and lie back for a real bubble bath.