House keeping….

With the closure of Google Reader coming up on us please make sure that your ATOM/RSS feeds are able to be picked up by the various RSS readers out in the world.     Feedly will be the best test since I have this service setup and am eagerly awaiting your latest non-facebook/G+ updates.


Says the guy who hasn’t posted on his blog since January…


One of these days I will get back to the writing…. one of these days.

Brothers going to work it out

So I was watching a movie last night (Magnum Force) and I had all the lights turned off in the house and it’s about 10:30 and I go… “Damn I want a beer” so I get up to get a beer… now I’ve lived in this place or a few years so I almost never turn the lights on when I go to the fridge or get a beer.

Currently I keep my beer in my keg freezer in the back room which has no light… (this part is important)

I’m going after a Coors in a bottle, since it’s late and I don’t want anything heavy… I feel around and find the right kind of bottle, put in a coozy, twist off the top and go back to my movie…

I start drinking and after the third drink I think to my self… did I get a bad Coors?   (Yes yes I know there is no such thing as a “good” Coors)

Once again I pause the movie turn on the light to look at the expiration date and to my horror discover I have not a brown bottle of Coors but a clear bottle of Highlife??

Damn… it’s the last of the beer from 4th of July… foiled by Curtis yet again.

And he wasn’t even trying this time (probably)

I listen for the whisper of sweet insanity…

The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. While I would like to present evidence to the contrary, my own personal experiments have proven that if you do something consistently and change nothing you will get the same result each and every time. I killed alot of beer to bring that thought to the forefront of your semi-weekly blog reading. I hope you appreciate the sacrifice that my liver and I have done for you.

Speaking of insanity… so there is trip being planned to go climb a mountain… I’m still trying to figure out how I got talked into this one, but I’m pretty sure my easy going nature coupled with the news that I did not get a elk tag this year pushed me over the edge. It’s a small mountain only 14,000ft… so the air is a touch thinner up there then it is at 1,200ft down here in Phoenix. The bright side is the mountain will be climbed in August which means I have 4 solid months to prepare. So lets talk about prepare for a moment, almost all of my gear is designed for day work, which works out well since this will be a day hike. And when I say day work I mean walk the 1.5 miles from the truck to the blind/water/whatever and wait for the Elk. If we do walk it’s normally less then 3 miles, cross country with no climbing involved (other then the occasional barb wire fence).

So this peak while being 14,000ft high also has a bit of a scramble and it’s 8 miles one way. I’m going to need some new shoes, and get those puppies broken in. A new day pack that actually has some sort of support in it would be good too (since it can be re-purposed to other functions i.e. hunting).

Gear in the bag is a whole different ball of wax… that I’m going to have work on with a dry run or two here in AZ.

As for speed, I only have one speed and it’s the speed I’m currently going and as long as the direction is forward we are all in good shape.

I can already feel alot of moaning and groaning coming on about this trip, which means I’m beyond excited I can’t wait!

They don’t stand a chance…

A while back I talked about one of the pains of being me in that I had a excellent opportunity for a AR-15… well about 10 minutes after writing that I decided to snag it. So today I along with a few other individuals made our way out to the shooting range to basically shoot to our little hearts content.

In the process of this two things happened.

1. I fell in love with my AR-15… even though I can’t shoot the damn thing for shit right now.

2. Curtis had his first experience with a .50 Cal rifle… The gentlemen next to us were sighting in their competition .50 cal rifles at 300 yards with some experimental loads that they had concocted. Well we get to chatting…

Ok Don and Curtis get to chatting with these gentlemen and next thing I know Curtis, Matt, and Renee are shooting the .50 cal.

I don’t know the specifics of what transpired, and I will let Curtis tell the full story if he so chooses. I do however want to show what Curtis looks like with a .50 Cal.

There is a shorter video somewhere, but I do not care enough to edit this one and there is one bit in there that I find pretty funny.

It’s a good day to fly away…

So in my adventures at work occasionally something cool happens like, my partner in crime at work and I get tickets to the spring training game going on across the street from work simply because it’s a Monday and we are the first ones to say yes. Now a event like this doesn’t happen often and when it does I must gloat (as I know any number of my “friends” would do) to the schmucks still at work in their offices.

First the picture I sent… and then a selection of txt responses I got… Sans name first person to figure out who sent what gets a six pack of Nilla Wafers and first hit off the next keg of homebrew.

For context here is the message that went with my picture…

Subject: God I hate my life;
My asshole boss gave me tickets to a spring training and told me to go… the ass!

And now for the contestants….

“Gloater…I hope you choke on your fried Twinkie”(This one is my personal favorite.)

“That son of a bitch. Next time you should snub him by giving the tickets to me”

“What a douche…and I’m not sure I mean your boss”

“Poor thing”

“Ahh so jealous!”

To know me and to know my friends is to know sarcasm at it’s highest form.

*alot of mumbling*

Soundgarden is playing right now… and well lets just say I’ve never realized how much Chris Cornell mumbles…. I also never noticed how many times I’ve used one particular Soundgarden song… So yeah… might be time to start broadening my musical horizons or start drilling deeper into the stuff I have.

On “House” tonight the patient of the week was a blogger who wrote EVERYTHING on their blog… except about her bowel movements.

This is the point where I was planning on describing in detail the various types of bowel movements I experince…. lets just say lack of beer and some pretty decent judgment has kept me from doing that…

Your welcome, though if you really want to hear about bowel movements you may want to check in with the deathbyblog crowd… I hear the youngest member has a .44 caliber diaper…..

That is not something I want to face… ever.