
You find the most interesting things on Wikipedia… I have to say that I am a bit surprised by this…
The Packers’ fan base is famously dedicated: regardless of the team’s performance, every Packers game at Lambeau Field has been sold out since 1960.[citation needed] Despite the Packers having one of the smallest TV markets, the Packers have developed one of the largest fan bases in the NFL. Each year they consistently rank as one of the top teams in terms of popularity.[6] The Packers have one of the longest waiting lists for season tickets in professional sports with about 74,000 people as of May 3, 2007.[7] That is more names on the waiting list than there are seats at Lambeau Field. The current wait time for season tickets is approximately 35 years. For this reason, it is not unusual for fans to designate a recipient of their season tickets in their wills or place newborn infants on the waiting list after receiving birth certificates.[8]


It’s a battering ram….. OYE OYE OYE

Ok so 88 degrees is a bit much to be sitting out on the back porch and type, at least it’s not as cheesy as 98 degrees.

Sorry bad boy band pun, bad blogger bad!

Every now and again I like to reflect on where I’ve been and what I’ve done. And if your a regular reader you know that those two things main consist of drinking beer and consternating myself about Linux. So I thought I would take a real change of pace tonight and wander down memory lane.

Turns out that memory lane has been bought by a rather unscrupulous developer and is now a 10,000 home subdivision renamed “Best Times of our Lives Acres” which is really a misnomer since everything out there is measured in Hectares.

If you don’t know what a “Hectare” is you should probably brush up on your metric system I hear all the cool countries are doing it.

Honestly though it’s been two years since I bought the house in Mesa, it feels like home. Three Years since I switched to blogger from my own perverted system of frontpage and yahoo. And 10 years since I started college.

Speaking of 10 years since I started college, I got the invitation to my 10 year High School reunion in the mail a while back. Yes my parents are officially old! I on the other hand have always found the concept of a 10 year reunion dubious at best. Add on to that how much I “love” large gatherings of people that I have no vested interest in whether or not I care what they think about me and then add a 200 mile one way trip along with a dash of $30 to get in.

And oh yes, it’s in Kingman too… and we all know how much I love Kingman. I love my family but I am really starting to understand why certain Aunt’s and Uncle’s only visited during the holidays.

Take the other side of the coin, I can see how I’m doing compared to other people I went to school with which will either completely inflate or kill my ego… and since my ego has been on life support for the last 9.5 years I’m not really that worried about it. I also know that I can eat and drink my way through $30 with not allot of a problem.

Which leads me to my final question, when people ask me what I do for a living do I tell them…

1. “I work in health care IT on a group of systems known collectively as PACS. Think of it as Flickr for the body, and with big magnets.”


2. “I’m laying my final plans for world domination, you will be calling me ‘Lord Zod‘ by the end of the year”

hmmm decisions decisions.

And they gave no quarter…

A few observations from laying on my couch all weekend due some weird combination of what I think is a ear infection and a head cold… I think they are related but I’m not totally for sure, it would be a first for me if they were.

– Dennis Green has been cropped into those Coors Light commercials hawking 24 packs of Coors Light with tickets to the Super Bowl. I find this to be a unique choice to say the least on the part of the people from Coors.

– Remember when there really only two trucks and those “other” guys? No? Me neither… I’ve seen enough truck commercials this weekend to drive me up the wall. My favorite one? The Tacoma commercial. Why? Because I only saw it once! (And bull shit a F150 can stop a C-130)

– John Norris is still on MTV… again I was laid on my couch and surfing… I was bound to catch it sooner or later.

-Football, whoo hoo! Now it’s time for Tom’s totally meaningless picks 2007….

Team most likely to disappoint me for the 8th year in a row… Cardinals
Team I follow most likely to actually do something… Chargers
Team I follow mostly to piss off Clint…. Chargers / Broncos
Team that is going to win it all… Not the Cardinals, and not the Chiefs.

There you have it kids… musings of a sick man. But I did finally figure out John Madden’s purpose in the football universe it’s to explain things in such simple terms that even someone with the attention span of a nat (like me this weekend) can understand.

Email Silliness…

Got a couple of email’s that I had to share;

First up Greg and his adventures with fast food…

From: Greg
To: Tom; Nathan; James; Scott; Victoria; Keith; Eric
Cc: ‘Tuffelmire’
Subject: McDonalds Southwest Chicken Sandwich

I had the same experience today…….Had to surf today to make sure my McDonalds Combo #5 was correct for $5.06
Luke said…

I hate MCDONALDS!!!! I went there yesterday for the first time in a few months because I didn’t have any food in the house and I was in a hurry. I drive up the the order thing and see this amazing looking Southwest Chicken Sandwich. I was strong enough to order just the sandwich. No 76oz of cola or a bag of potatoes stuffed inside a piece of cardboard, Just this amazing juicy looking southwest chicken sandwich. I was so hungry that I ripped open the paper and tooka huge STICKY DRY BITE!! There was nothing on this chicken sandwich. I swear to god it was a bun, a pickle, and a dry piece of fried chicken breast. I almost choked. My teeth were covered in rubbery bun. I wish I would have purchased the 76oz of cola.

June 28, 2007 1:52 PM

Post a Comment

No butter, mayo, or spicy southwest sauce…….

I would make a smart ass comment to Greg, but he suffered enough with the sandwich.

Next up Mom, and a reaffirmation as to why she doesn’t email more often.

Did you know there is no such word as lefted?

mom picked the wrong day to pick on me, and my response….

“Righted” isn’t a word either yet everybody else uses it.

Please read the following…


Also please see smart ass picture, as I’ve been waiting a while to do something like this on MAC.

Pegasus revisited….

3 months of MAC Book Pro bliss and I have to say I’m not regretting my purchase one bit. Dual booting with Win XP and the MAC OS is nothing short of the best of both worlds. Granted I think my total time in Windows is something like 6 hours while not playing “Supreme Commander” other then that it is all Mac all the time. I would even go so far as to call the Mac my primary computer.

However to every “Ying” there is a “Yang” and the “Yang” in this case is my desktop. All 75 pounds of it. I’ve been mulling over the next iteration of “Yang” for a while and I know it won’t be a iMac… I love my Mac Book but honestly I do use my desktop primarily for one thing.


While I can game on the Mac Book under Windows I do like that I have a desktop with a full size keyboard. And after a couple of hours you really begin to apperciate that full size keyboard.

And the fact that I have come home to a computer that says “failed cpu test” on boot twice in the last month tells me it’s time to start really thinking about a new rig.

I have the case picked out… it’s my usual ungodly huge case.

I’m having pain and consternation with other pieces parts and I now am formally soliciting input. Please note that this input will be throughly hashed through and then hashed through again with another party (you know who you are) before landing on a final configuration.

Here are some talking points…

– Dual Core 6750 vs Quad Core 6600…. the dual core has a faster front side bus and is more over-clockable then the quad core. The quad core is a quad core. Price diffrence is ~$75

– SLI…. It seems like a good idea if you actually do it. The kicker is when you strap together two mid range cards you still don’t equal the current high end. And for the over all cost of the two mid range cards you can get a kick ass high end card. Also which platform Nvidia 650 or 680?

– Hybrid drives will be out soon if they aren’t already. I’m not one to pick up on new technology very often but this one does seem like a winner.

Other considerations, the new chips from Intel and AMD will be out in the next couple of months. Is there enough reason to wait for those chips or utilize what is out there currently? (Personal thought, most of the new chips will be of the quad core and 1300mhz fsb variety and may very well warrant sitting tight).

I’m defiantly in hurry to build this rig as I’m happy with the MAC Book and my Wii (and since Metroid 3 comes out next week I know that is going to keep me busy).

Return of Furbee…

I saw “Furbee” on TV this evening, so between that and the sudden rush of football games one can only assume that football season is on us yet again.

So it is now only a few weeks until the Cardinals march onto the field and school their opponet of the week in the ways of the bird… for the bird is the word.

Yes here is to the hopes of entire group of maybe twenty people that the Cardinals will be 8-8 this year.

Go Cardinals!